Chapter 4

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*Jakes POV*

As soon as the nurse told us Andy was awake, stable and able to have visitors Ashley shot off to his room. I slowly followed behind him. As I entered the room, the most adorable sight was in front of me.

Andy was kneeling up to Ashley's height with his face in the crook of his neck and eyes shut. Ashley had his arms around Andy's waist and his head resting on Andy's shoulder.

I stood there admiring this scene of untold love for a few minuets; I hope one day they will confess their obvious attraction, I know it will make them both happier!

I started feeling awkward and coughed to make them aware of my presence. They broke apart and faced me looking so guilty, ha!


After we greeted each other and talked about how we all were, Andy asked the inevitable question.


"Well I'm up now, right?" Andy asked after he regained him self. That made both me and ash smile. "Do the fans know?"

"Yeah they took it pretty well considering." I answered.

*Andy's POV*

A small knock was heard and the nurse from earlier came through. "Hi I'm back." She smiled, "so the reasons why you fainted were malnutrition and sleep deprivement."

I put my head in my hands, so this is entire my fault then. If I just ignored the bus movements and slept, if I just ate properly. But not just that! I can tell I worried Ashley more than he's saying and that's what hurt the most.

"However that's not the reason why you was out so long," the nursed carried on, "when you fainted you hit your head pretty hard, you almost cracked your skull."

I moved a hand to the back of my head and there they were, stitches, damn it!

"You woke up today from a cardiac arrest, also knows as a heart attack, we are going to have to keep for a while to check you won't have another and remove your stitches." With that the nurse left.

"I'm going to go tell the guys your awake, see you later!" Jake said and left. I turned my attention back to Ashley getting lost in his warm and inviting honey brown eyes.

"Okay I can't take this any more!" Ashley said suddenly, "Andy, I like you and not in a brotherly like way, as in a like, like way! I know you won't feel the same way but I just have to say this; the way your personality can make the saddest person smile, the way you are so confident and caring, the way your eyes sparkle in the light, the way you can make a whole room light up with your smile it makes me like you more everyday, even when I think I can't like any more than I do, you do something and it just increases. It almost killed me not being able to see your shockingly bright, beautiful, blue eyes! To not see you awake. I visited as much as Jinxx would let me, and today when your heart stopped it was as if my world had stopped. I can't live a day with out you Andy!" Ashley has tears streaming down his face; did he actually feel this way about me? I never though he actually would, I mean think about it; he's a huge lady's man and has never looked at guy in that way before!

I couldn't think of anything else to do then to reach up and attack his lips with mine. To my surprise he kissed back straight away. My stomach did summersaults, sparks of electricity flew threw me.

His hands found my waist and mine his hair. I pulled his hair and licked his bottom lip asking for entrance which he gladly gave. A minute or two past by and we unfortunately broke apart. I wiped his tears away, "Ashley I had no idea you felt like this! If I did I would have had the courage to ask this sooner; Ashley Purdy will you be mine?"

"Andy are you serious? Of course I'll be yours as long as long as you'll be mine!" I nodded my head quickly and we crashed our lips together. This kiss lasted longer then the first and was way more passionate, my body felt as though it was on a roller-coster.

"Woo fine-a-fucking-ly! I mean seriously!" I hear CC call out. What the fuck? I turned in the direction of the voice. Oh, everyone one was here; we must have been kissing a while!

I turn to Ashley and grin as he grins back at me we connect our lips again in a short peck. I pull on his arm, he gets the message and sits on the bed with me, and he snuggles into my side. Me and the guys talk for a little while about why I fainted and band stuff; we're going back on tour as soon as I get out of hospital which as a nurse told us will be pretty soon.

Ash has gone quite, I look to my left and see he's asleep, awe, that's adorable! "Thank god he's finally asleep!" Jinxx sighs.

"What?" I asked my confusion clear.

"He didn't tell you did he, well of course he didn't," Jinxx laughs an unhumorous laugh, "Ashley's been a mess since you passed out, he hasn't slept, barely ate. I had to drag him out of the hospital to get himself washed; it was scary, I've never seen him like that before. He needs you!" with this my face paled and tears were brought to my eyes. This sound so unlike Ashley; he's always so tough and rarely shows sadness!

I guess that's why he looked so ruff when I first saw him. That was because of me? Oh my goodness, I feel like an idiot! If I could have just looked after my self, I wouldn't have put everyone through this! But when on tour you just forget to eat and I don't know; I just wish this never happened.

Yeah, but you wouldn't be with Ashley if you didn't a little voice in the back of my mind told me.

"Hey don't sweat it, your back now and its getting late, so we're gonna go head back to the bus and sleep, you should sleep to; you must be exhausted, we have a lot of travelling to do soon, the next tour starts as soon as you get out'a here." CC says.

When CC mentioned me being exhausted it made be realise I actually was! I think I was too caught up in everything that has just happened that it never really occurred to me that I might be tired.

The guys leave and I snuggle up to Ashley letting the dark abyss of sleep take me for the night, or whatever's left of it.


"Andy, Andy baby." Ash called to me sweetly.

"Mmm," I don't think my response was good enough for Ash as he started gently shaking me.

"Baby, it's time to wake up!" Giving up I slowly opened my eyes, to see a grinning Ash above me. I leaned up I rapped my arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. What? I have him now, may as well make the most of it!

When we ended our little make-out session I sat up and rubbed my eyes groggily "Why so smiley Ashey?"

"You're getting out today!" Ash exclaimed. That woke me right up!

"Really?!" Ash quickly nodded his head; I beamed brightly at him pulling him into a hug.

It's been two days since I woke up, the stitches on my head have come out and I've shown no signs of fainting again or having another heart attack. Ashley looks a lot better then when I first saw him. He has slept with me every night in the hospital bed, and I made sure he was properly sleeping before I allowed my self to sleep. I am glad I have, at least he doesn't look sleep deprived. He is also eating normal amounts; his cheeks have filled out again, Ashy is back.

"Well, did you bring me clothes then?" I asked with a cheeky smile.


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