Chapter 2

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As I climbed out of the ambulance I felt a hand on my back. "You like him more than a friend don't you?" It was the lady paramedic. "Yeah? How did you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes son," she gave me a warm smile and led me into the hospital, "I'm sure it will all work out, don't you worry. You should be able to see him soon, though he probably won't be awake he hit is head pretty hard."


Now I'm sat in the waiting room, a doctor came out a little while ago and told me Andy got a concussion and has slipped into a coma. They also don't know when he's going to wake up. I called the guys a little while ago and they should be here soon.

CC burst through the hospital doors causing every one to look at him gone out, Jake and Jinxx close behind. When CC caught sight of me he ran straight up to me and asked me what happened, but as I saw him I felt all the tears I was holding back stream down my face and all my walls breakdown. CC saw and grabbed me into a famous CC bear hug as I sobbed into his shoulder.

Once I had calmed down some I told all the guys what had happened and told them we can see him once all the tests had been run. "That's ruff bro, it's a good job you were there to see him unless who knows what would have happened!" Jake pitched in.

"Yeah, but if I was quicker I would have caught him and he wouldn't have hit his head, and he wouldn't have got a concussion, and he wouldn't be in a coma!" I broke down again.

Jinxx stepped up and hugged me this time, holding me at arms length he said, "hey, hey, come on don't cry, if you didn't go and look for him then it could be a lot worse! If anything you helped him more! Come on, don't cry, please?"

"Yeah I guess you're right, thank you" I flashed him a fake smile and cleaned up the rest of my tears with the sleeve of my leather jacket.

"Friends and family of Andrew Biersack?" called out the same doctor from before.

We all walked up to him. "Well he's stable for now and no more test have to be run for a while, but we don't know when he will wake up, if he ever will, I'm sorry," he said in a voice that's trained to be a void of all emotions, however, you could see the tiniest hint of sadnesses hidden in is grey eyes. "You may see him now."

Silent tears are streaming down my face now. What if he never wakes up? I know I'm supposed to be the extreme ladies man, and I do like fucking all the women but it became more of a cover up, as nothing compares to Andy, everything about him makes me buzz, he's just so perfect!

We all enter the room Andy is lay in. The moment I saw him I knew this wasn't just some stupid crush; this was real!

He looked like a corpse; his skin was as pale as the sheets he was lying under. He was dressed in a hospital gown; it really didn't suit him. His eyes were closed and his short, black hair has been washed and all his warpaint and body paint has been washed off and to be honest he looked so peaceful; the moon light shining through the small window landed on his body perfectly - giving him a god like glow, even though the dim artificial lights still lit up the hospital room.

I rushed over to the a chair on the other side of the bed; farthest way from the door. I took his cold pale hand in my shaking, warm tanned hands and willed away the tears again. When I looked up after a minute or so I saw all the guys had taken seats facing the bed.

They all look extremely tired, it was 4am after all and none of us have slept since last night.

I once again became lost in my thoughts; I really won't be able to live without him. Thoughts like this went on for a couple more minutes and I once again looked towards my band mates.

Jake was asleep with his head on CC's shoulder; who was also asleep and had his head on top of Jakes. Jinxx was scrunched up on one of the small, plastic hospital chairs completely out of it.

I looked back at Andy, "please wake up, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I just wanted to say that; I would be distraught if you didn't pull though, I wouldn't be able to live, you are me life! But I have faith in you, I know you can wake up, ple-please ju-just wake up." It was hard to talk over the lump in my throat from the start, coming out just a whisper, but at the end I couldn't hold back and the tears once again fled from my eyes.

I slumped over the bed and rest my head on the thin, cheap white sheets still clutching Andy's hand. Slowly I let my eyes shut and let the peaceful abyss of sleep take me.


*Jinxx P.O.V*

I woke up about five minutes ago, and from the sun light shining through the window I can tell it's about 10 -11 o'clock.

I slowly get out of my ball, and my back freaking kills; maybe it wasn't such a good idea to sleep in a ball. As I look around the room I see Jake and CC in the same position as last night, but I can tell they are starting to stir; they will be awake soon.

But what I also see is Ashley; he's fast sleep holding onto Andy's hand. The poor guy, this has hit us all hard, but it's definitely hurt him the worst; I remember a couple months ago, he was asleep and mumbled 'Andy' kind of desperately, I didn't think that much about; 'he was only dreaming' I thought 'he could be dreaming about anything'. But now I am thinking about it, it makes sense! He's always near Andy and when he isn't he's not as happy and his smile is a little see-through. Also Ashley Purdy never cries, NEVER! But when he thought it was his fault and when he found out Andys state, he just seemed like a little boy, lost and hopeless.

It's going be difficult taking out of the hospital to keep him healthy and washed; he's going to want to be with him all the time!

I hear a small yawn and looked over to CC; he just woke up and is nudging Jake awake. They both look over to Ashley and shoot him sympathetic looks; he's still sleep. CC looks over in my direction and sees I was also looking at Ashley and smirks a sorrow filled smirk.

"We are gonna have to wake him up soon and get him cleaned up; he's still in his stage gear!" Jake says solemnly; probably sharing the same thoughts as me early about it hitting him hardest, now I think about it's actually very obvious, and I'm pretty sure they have work it out as well; it may have just started as a bro-mance but has defiantly blossomed into something more.

"That's true, the poor guy! I've never seen him cry before! Although I vote Jinxx to wake him and get him out of here; he listens to you more." CC input.

"Neither have I," I said "and yeah I will one sec." I popped my back because it still hurt and walked over to Ash.

I gently shook his shoulder , "hey, Ash, buddy time to wake up."

"Hmmng?" he slowly looked up, looking a bit confused, but when he saw Andy it's like it all came back to him, all too horribly fast like a car speeding towards you, and tears brimmed his eyes again.

"Come on dude, you need to get cleaned up."

I held my hand out to him like he was a small, hopeless kid, it really is quite sad. He took my hand stood up and looked down at the same time. I pulled him towards the door, to join with Jake and CC; who were both looking at him through sympathetic eyes.

Once we got out the hospital I noticed the bus was still parked here: thank goodness! Ashley let go of my hand once he saw the bus and quickened the pace of his walk to arrive at the bus faster.


Ashley had his shower and is now sat in front me with wet hair, a grey tank top and skinny jeans.

"After you eat we can go see Andy alright" I added 'after you eat' because I'm sure he would skip eating just to see Andy quicker.

He nodded and slowly looked up, "thanks," he said with a small, fake smile.

Andy I hope you wake up soon not only for the obvious reasons but I really don't think Ashley will last long.

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