School Work...

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2 Months Later: (@ Yn House)

Yn P.O.V:

So As You Know I Take School Classes On Line To Fit In my Busy Schedule. So I'm Sitting In Bed On my MacBook. So I Finish My French Test And Enjoy the Rest Of My Evening.
Chres P.O.V: So Y'all Yn Said I Can Move Into Her House Since She's Pregnant. So I Moved Everything In Already And I Go To Our Room And See Yn On The Bed Rubbing Her Stomach. She's So Cute.
Chres: *Putting Down Bag* Hey Baby

Yn: *kissing him* Hey Hunny
Chres: I Got You Your White Chocolate Covered Strawberry.

Yn: Thanks Baby

Chres: *rubbing stomach* Hey Babies Daddy Here just Know That You Better Love Strawberries As Much As Mommy Love Them.

Yn: Hahaha

Chres: I'm Serious He Or She's Better To.
Yn: Alright.
Ring Ring.... (Yn's Phone).
Otp With Doctor Johnson
Doc: So Yn You're Having Girls
Yn: Frfr Aww Thanks For Telling Me.
Doc: You're Welcome Bye.
End Of Convo
Yn: *playing with chres hair* So We Need To Start Painting The Babies Room Pink.
Chres: *getting up* That Mean We Having Girls.
Yn: Yes
Chres: Im Finna Gon Head And Get My Pistol so I Can Protect Daddy Lil Girls.
Yn: What You Doing Tomorrow?
Chres: Nothing Why?
Yn: We Gonna Decorate The Girls Room.
Chres: That's A Deal Alright.

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