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20. Bath.

The younger boy ended up falling asleep on the couch curled up to his side while Harry was upstairs, running a hot bath with bubbles, shampoo and conditioner set out along with his sisters flower body wash. He figured Louis would like that better than his old spice one he had. It was the only one Harry would use on his body. It made him smell good and people noticed it.

He was tired, the older one in the house. The few hours he slept was the only time he got in about two days. At least he didn't have to do work tomorrow so he could take the day off. Maybe. A lot of last minute things came up so he did not know yet.

Thoughts of work were quickly shattered when he felt his finger tips brush against the top of the water, his eyes snapping down to look at it. Louis. He's here, right. It still seemed like a dream to him. Reaching over, he twisted the knob to the water off before walking down the steps, stopping for a moment when he realized Louis was sleeping.

Usually if he saw this he would coo and take pictures but no not now. He felt sick to is stomach. The sight of blood and cuts made tears brim his eyes. He didn't deserve whatever happened to him. He had to ask about that later but he wouldn't do it now.

"Lou." The male murmured while walking down the rest of the steps and closer to the small boy curled up. "Baby, wake up. I filled the tub." He stroked the boys hair back and clenched his jaw when some blood stuck to his hair. He will try to find the boys responsible for this and they would pay for the damage they caused.

Louis felt the soft hand and let his eyes snap open, the peace he felt no longer there instead it was placed with anxiety. He didn't know where he was, he forgot he was with Harry. "Please don't, no!" He shouted and it caused the man to flinch back some before he was pulling Louis into a tight embrace.

"Sh, sh. I'm here, you're okay. You're fine." His hands stroked through his hair slowly and it seemed to be working because five minutes later he felt the boys breathing go back to normal.

The two sat there for a few more minutes before the older man lifted him and started bringing him up the steps.

Just as he was about to step into the bathroom, Louis spoke up causing him to pause, stopping in his tracks. "Thank you, Harry." He sniffled, choking up.

That voice. It was so beautiful. Harry loved it.

"Sh. It's okay. Don't thank me." He took him to the bathroom and awkwardly placed him on the toilet seat, debating on what to do when they both didn't speak.

Then Louis started to pull his shirt off, what was left of it anyway, cringing as he did so the other was quick to help him. Instead of lifting it off of his head though, he ripped it open.

"Sorry," he whispered bashfully, cheeks turning a bright red. "It's just- that was easier." He balled the shirt up in his hand and threw it into the trash can, breathing in after.

A small giggle left Louis' lips and he rolled his eyes fondly. Of course. He'd be the one to laugh in this situation, though everything got better so far and he felt safe with Harry so it was okay. Right?

He unbuttoned his pants and managed to get them without crying out in pain. "Shut up. Don't be sorry, I understand." He murmured before blushing. "I- uh. Turn around? Wait never mind there's no point because you have to put me in the tub anyway.. But kinda- just.. Don't look?" He rambled on before smacking a hand over his mouth to stop himself. "I'm sorry." His voice was muffled and it made Harry laugh, his dimples popping out as he did. They were both adorable and they both thought so of each other.

"It's okay. Just take your... Panties," he smirked at that and looked up at the ceiling, "off and tell me when you did so I can put you in." He murmured and bit at his lower lip to hold in a laugh when he heard Louis gasp.

"Listen, frog. I just happened to throw them on. And stop looking you perv-"

"I looked once. I'm not looking now, am I?"

He heard the boy growl in frustration and shuffle around a bit. "You're so mean." He murmured softly and tugged his panties down before standing and blushing, wincing slightly. "Okay, okay. I'm done." He whispered.

Harry turned and felt around for Louis, soon finding him, his large hands pressed to his waist. "I'm gonna look now, okay? I promise my eyes won't leave your face or chest area." He murmured and lifted him up, looking down now as he did, his green hues meeting ocean blue ones.

"Beautiful." He breathed out and it caused Louis to look down quickly, his face red. He placed the other in the tub slowly and watched as the bubbles started to cover hi.  "Want the jets on?" He asked, reaching over for the buttons.

"Yes, please."

And it was just so nice for the both of them. Being here. It may not have been how they both wanted to meet but it was something and they finally did it. It was perfect no matter what just because one another was there.


Another day another shitty update. Nobody probably reads this crap anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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