Thirsty (Nightcrawler/Kurt)

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Your POV.
Mutation-Water Manipulation 

You were thrown into the cage, a hard whip slashed against your pretty much bare back. You cried out in pain, arching your back and pressing your shaking hands against the floor. You felt the eyes of every other mutant who worked at the circus heavy against you.

You'd messed up the whole performance, getting distracted when you were making a whirl pool of water with your mutation. Someone in the crowd had jumped up and screamed in amazement, it had startled you and caused you to soak the ring leader.

"I've told you once! And if I have to punish you again for getting me wet then there will be consequences!" The ring master growled, whipping your back again.

You screamed in pain, tears rolling down your cheeks. Your whole body shook from fear and agony. The ring leader slammed the cage shut and walked away, leaving you alone.

You sat by the cage bars and looked across the small patch of grass to meet a pair of yellow eyes. You'd seen them before.

They belonged to that boy who could teleport. The sweet boy who'd given you his bread when you were extremely ill with a cold. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking down at your damp hands. You enjoyed watching his mutation, he was definitely very talented. When you looked up, he was gone.

Your hands wrapped around the bars and you squinted into the darkness, trying to find the teleport again.

"I'm over here." His German accent was thick and crackly.

You turned slowly and looked at the blue boy. His body fascinated you. Nightcrawler began to take his waist coat off, never leaving your gaze.

"...what're you doing?"

"Giving you this, your freezing." He shrugged it off and shuffled over, wrapping the dark waist coat around your body. It fitted you perfectly. You winced when it touched the fresh whip marks that slashed against your back.

"I'm sorry." He said softly, meeting your gaze. "I never caught your name."

"Oh, it's (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)." He repeated, more to himself. "I like it. I'm Kurt,"

"Are you thirsty? Your voice is all crackly." You asked.

"Oh, alittle but I'll be okay." He smiled.

You felt a small smile tilt your lips,"Let me give you a drink."  You cupped your hand together and used your mutation to fill the small cup you'd made with fresh, cool water.

Kurt instantly dipped down and drank from your hands, smiling as the water soothed his sand paper throat. You felt your heart swell as he drank.

"Thank you." He said.

"Your welcome." You smiled, kissing his blue cheek gently.

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