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Running along the halls of the hospital, her heart raced and Touka willed for herself to calm down. 30 minutes prior to this, she had received a text message from her employer, in other words Kaneki's mom, that Kaneki had landed in the hospital. Seeing that message, she threw on random clothes, grabbed her bag and ran out of the house.


Coming to a stop in front of room 113, she took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Mrs Kaneki's voice sounded.

The doorknob turned and the door opened to Kaneki sitting on a bed with his mother standing by his sideand was in a conversation with a doctor. "Just rest for 2 weeks and your ankle should heal. I have other patients to attend to so please excuse me." The doctor said and excused himself from the room.

The elder black haired lady turned to her son and folded her arms. "Geez! A 25 year old who can't even take care of himself and sprains his ankle! Never heard of!"

Kaneki scratched the back of his head and laughed sheepishly. "Sorry mother."

She then faced Touka. "Call a cab and bring him home, would you? I have work to do. Make sure he rests at home and not overdo himself." Having said that, she left the room.

Touka walked over to in front of him and he smiled up at her. "Sorry for making you worry."

Her lips trembled and she cupped his cheeks, looking him over to make sure that he was alright (besides his bandaged ankle). She pulled him into a tight hug and bit her lip to prevent a sob from coming out. "You're damn right about being sorry! Do you know how it feels like to receive a message like that? My heart almost stopped and I was having so many horrible thoughts of what might have happened to you!"

Eyes wide, he never thought that his injury would worry her to this extent. He wrapped his arms around her and ran his hand down her back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. I was just tired and didn't look properly when I went down some stairs..."

"Well look properly next time!" She snapped.

He flinched. Who knew Touka could be so fierce. All these time she was a quiet and meek person so he didn't know this part of her. Cupping her cheeks, Kaneki pulled her down for a kiss.


The couple turned to the door. A nurse was standing there and watching them. "Sorry for the interruption but could you come to the counter and sign the form? After that, you're free to leave."

Touka flushed. She saw us kissing! This is so embarrassing! "A-ah yes! Come on, Kaneki! I'll lend you my shoulder!"

He stood up and wobbled before she caught him, throwing his arm around her shoulder. They slowly made their way to the counter, signed the form and went outside to get a cab. Without her noticing, he was leaning against her closer.


The violet haired female helped the injured male to his room and managed to safely seat him down onto his bed. Before she pulled back, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. Sniff sniff. "W-What are you smelling?!" She exclaimed.

"As I thought, you smell really nice, Touka." Kaneki said, looking up at her.

Touka blushed and avoided his gaze, turning her head away. "What are you saying--" She wasn't able to finish her sentence and felt her body being pulled forward.

He now has her trapped in his arms, face buried in her neck and sniffing.

Placing her hands on his shoulders, she tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. "Stop that! I was in a rush to get to the hospital and I probably perspired a lot!"

"It doesn't matter. You still smell good to me."

Hearing that, she couldn't refuse him anymore and remained still in his arms, just letting him do what he wants. His hands moved down to rest at her waist and eye contact was all it took to find out what they both wanted. The two leaned forward and their lips pressed against each other's.

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