Prank Gone Wrong 2

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Red turned around and was immediately met with glares. "What?" he asked. "That was heartless and mean." exclaimed one monster. "You guys kill and torture others everyday!" replied Red, looking at them in disbelief and confusion. "That's different." said Doggressa, stepping forward. "How?" asked Red, folding his arms. "Emotional pain takes a long time to heal and it cuts deeper than physical pain." replied Doggressa. Red looked down, defeated. He wanted Fell to comeback and yell at him, hurt him, anything that would take this guilt away. "What should I do?' asked Red. " Do something special for him." replied Dogamy, moving forward next to his wife. " That's what I did for my wife." added Dogamy. Red's face lit up. "I have a great idea!" exclaimed Red. Everyone groaned at his statement. "Shut up!" he growled. "It's gonna be a great surprise but I need your help". "Hell no!" everyone replied in unison. " I would say yes if I were you!" replied Red. "Well, guess what? We're not 1 HP trash!" replied Doggressa. Red smirked at her. "I could still tell my boss to kill you guys because you guys hurt me badly." replied Red, his evil smirk widening. "You guys really think he's gonna believe you over me, his older brother.". Doggressa growled at him. "You son of a -" she growled. "You're making it worse for yourself." taunted Red. Doggressa grunted. "Fine, what do you want us to do?" asked Doggressa. "Well, Doggressa. I need you to distract Fell while me and the others set up the surprise." replied Red. "Wait! You want me to distract Fell all by myself." exclaimed Doggressa in disbelief. Red nodded, clearly enjoying her reaction. " And the rest of you will help me" added Red. "How come everyone else gets to help you set up the surprise but i get stuck babysitting Fell?' asked Doggressa, annoyed. "It's because that little comment you made earlier." replied Red. "I waiting for the day i see your dust on the floor. I will spit, dance and pee on your ashes." mumbled Doggressa under her breath. "What was that?" asked Red, daring her to repeat. "Nothing" she replied with a fake smile. "That's what I thought, you filthy mutt!" he replied. "You do realize I could just tell Fell about your surprise and not help you, right?" asked Doggressa, annoyed by Red's attitude. Red smirked. "As if. If you do, I will have your head." replied Red before walking out, leaving a fuming Doggressa behind. "That damn skeleton!" she growled before heading to her house with her husband.

********************************************Next Day:Morning***************************************

Red woke the next morning and immediately noticed something. Fell didn't wake him up. Red sighed to himself. He was still mad at him. He got up and got ready. Once he was fully clothed, he pulled out his phone and called Dogamy. Red told him to tell everyone to come over but for them to be careful not to alert Fell. After a few minutes later, a knock came at the door. He teleported downstairs and opened the door. Immediately,everyone poured into the house. "Okay, this is -" started Red but stopped when he realized no one was listening to him. "Hey!" he yelled, getting everyone's attention. " So, this is what we are going to do. Which one of ya'll are good at cooking?" asked Red. 3 monsters raised their hands. "Okay, you guys will be working in the kitchen." said Red. "Anyone good at cleaning?" asked Red. Woshua stepped forward. "I AM" he exclaimed loudly, causing everyone to wince. "Okay, then. Get on that." commanded Red. "Everyone else, you will help me decorate the house and set everything up." said Red. Everyone nodded and got to work.This was going to be as easy as taking from a baby. Hopefully, this will be enough for Fell to forgive him. "Uh,Red?"asked one of the monsters in the kitchen. "What is it?" asked Red, turning his attention to the monster. "There's nothing to cook with." stated the monster. This easy mission just got a bit complicated.

                                                                                     Fell's P.O.V

'Damn Red, Damn Prank Day, Damn Everyone, and Damn his feelings' thought Fell as he angrily stomped through the snow.He was such a fool. How could he have believed that Red loved him? He let his defenses down for one second and look what happened. He was angry at Red and himself. His name being called brought him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Doggressa running towards him. He stopped and turned to face her. She finally reached where he was. She put her hands on her knees and panted. "What do you want?'asked Fell,glaring down at her. "I thought that maybe I spend the day with you and learn how to be like you" replied Doggressa, standing back up. Fell raised a non-existent eyebrow. Fell was about to deny her wishes when an idea popped into his head. He could get revenge on Red, using her. "Okay, come along." said Fell before walking off. Doggressa immediately went after him.

Sorry for the not-so great chapter but still I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm glad you guys liked the first part. And if i made a mistake, please feel free to tell me. The next chapter will either be published tomorrow or the 5th.

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