The Bet

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"Hey,Boss! You home?" called Red, entering their little home. "Of course I am." exclaimed Fell from upstairs. Red teleported himself into Fell's room. Fell jumped. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?! What if I were undressing?" yelled Fell. "I wouldn't mind seeing that," said Red, grinning. He was met to the pillow to the face. "What do you want?" asked Fell, sitting down on his bed. "I actually wanted to make a bet with you." said Red. Fell raised a non-existent brow. "What kind of bet?" asked Fell. "If you can drink more beer than me, you win. However, if you don't, I win." replied Red. Red was the best drinker in all the underground and everybody knew it, even Fell had to admit it. "Name your price." said Fell. "Okay, if I win, you have to serve me for 3 weeks in a maid costume." replied Red. Fell felt determined not to lose. There was no way in hell he, the Great and Terrible Papyrus would become a maid to his lazy, no good, pathetic pile of bones of a brother. "As if." said Fell. "Oh, what's that? Bwuack!" exclaimed Red, flapping his arms like a chicken. Fell glared back at his older brother. "What was that?" growled Fell. "I'm sorry. Do you mean this? Bwuack! Cause that's the sound of the chicken you are." taunted Red. Fell glared at him harder. "Bwuack! Bwua-" taunted Red. "Okay, I'm in! Just shut the hell up." replied Fell, rolling his eyes. Red grinned. 'Eggcellent' thought Red. "C'mon, I already had Grillby  get the drinks for me" replied Red. Fell grumbled. He followed Red to Grillby's, grumbling all the way. "Hey,G! We're ready." said Red, smirking. He took a seat at the bar. Fell grumpily plumped down next to him. Almost immediately, everyone's attention was on the two skeleton brothers. Grillby laid a couple of shots in front of Fell and Red. "Okay, Begin!" exclaimed Grillby. Red and Fell both quickly grabbed a shot and chugged it. As soon as it was finishdd, they slammed the cup down and reached for another shot. This went on and on until finally Fell began to feel wobbley. He went to stand up but his legs gave out on him and he hit the floor. The last thing Fell saw was red bunny slippers. When Fell woke up again, he was no longer in the bar, instead he was in his super comfortable bed. Red was sitting besides him, smirking. Slowly, the memories of what happened and their bet came to him. If he had skin, he would be pale as snow. Red's smirk became bigger as he saw Fell realize what had happened. "Oh, Boss. I have something for you." said Red, lifting up the maid dress for Fell to see. "Red-" started Fell. "Oh, Boss. I hope you're not thinking about backing out on our promise cause that would be terrible for the Great and Terrible Fell to go back on his words" said Red. Fell cursed silently. Damn his pride, Damn his ego, Damn Red,Damn the bet, Damn everything to hell. Red waved the dress, irritating Fell even more. "Just give it to me." growled Fell, ripping the dress out of Red's hands. Fell got up,wobbling a bit before storming out of the room. Red grinned. He couldn't wait to see how Fell would look in the maid dress. Would he look sexy or would he look adorable? He couldn't wait to find out. He waited for Fell to come back. It took a while until Fell finally came back to the room. And oh my god. Fell pulled down on the edge of the way too short red laced maid dress with a huge blush on his face as he looked away. Red's eye lit up as he licked his lips. "Holy crap, Fell. You look amazing. It fits you amazingly." said Red. Fell's blush deepened. "S-Shut up!"exclaimed Fell. The stutter only turned Red on more. "Hey,Fell. Remember you have to serve me for 3 weeks." said Red, causing Fell grumble. "C'mon, it's time for you to get to work." replied Red, walking past Fell. As Red walked past Fell, he slide his hand up Fell's skirt. Red grinned widely as Fell blushed. 'When this is over, I swear I'm gonna kill him.' muttered Fell. Red stopped in the middle of their living room and pointed at the ceiling. "You have to dust this." exclaimed Red. Fell looked up at the ceiling, then at Red, then back at the ceiling. "How?" asked Fell. "We have a ladder. I'll go get it." said Red. Red looked at Fell before winking at him and went down to the basement. Fell glared at the basement door. How did he let himself get talked into this? Fell sighed. "What's wrong,beautiful?" asked Red, scaring Fell out of his thoughts. Fell growled at him and ripped the ladder from his hands. He set up the ladder and began climbing the ladder with a duster in hand. Red enjoyed the view of Fell's pelvic bone in that beautiful lace panties.After Fell finished, he climbed down the ladder and was immedaitely attacked by Red. Red pinned him down to the couch. "R-Red?! Get off of me." exclaimed Fell, blushing madly. Red grinned down at him. "No can do,bro." replied Red. He lowered his face and engulfed Fell into a sweet kiss. Fell stared at Red in shock, his blush deepening. Red moved to his neck and licked his bone. Fell squirmed under him. "Whoa, didn't you were so sensitive,bro." said Red. Fell avoided his eyesockets. "C'mon, bro. Don't be like that. Remember you still have 3 weeks to serve." reminded Red. Fell looked away. "Fine." sighed Red. He moved his mouth back to Fell's neck and lightly bit on the bone. Fell moaned, surprising both of them. "Whoa, I didn't know you could moan like that. Can you do that again for me?" asked Red. Fell's blush increased. Red began biting everywhere, on every sensitive bone Fell had. By the time he was done, Fell wa a drooling, moaning mess. "You look so beautiful. I'm so glad you're all mine." groaned Red into Fell's neck. Red lifted himself and brought Fell into another kiss but it quickly turned into a battle of their tongues with Red winning. Red pulled away and looked Fell staight in the eye. "I love you, Fell. Oh, stars , I love you." said Red. "I-I love you, too, Red." replied Fell. Red kissed him and rolled over, so that they could hold each other. Fell nuzzled his skull with Red, who happily nuzzled back. And the two brothers fell asleep in each other's arm. Suddenly, serving Red didn't seem that bad.

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