Recovery Part 1 (Underfell Fic)

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(Trigger Warning ⚠️: Rape)

"GO TO WORK, YOU GODDAMN WASTE OF SPACE!" yelled Fell angrily. Red glared back at him. "I heard you the first damn time you said it." he growled. "Then why aren't you at your station?" retorted Fell. Red huffed. "I swear one day, you'll get what's coming to you." he growled under his breath. Fell narrowed his eyes at him. "What was that, you fat shit?" he asked. "I said," exclaimed Red. "I hope you die and never come back!". With those final words, Red turned on his heel and left the house. Fell stood there in shock. Red had never said nothing so hurtful to him. Sure, Red had been stubborn and rude in the past but never going so far to say he wished Fell would die. Fell shook his head. He didn't need this to distract him. He left the house and headed to his station. As he was walking, he couldn't help but think of Red's words once more. "I hope you die and never come back.". The words repeated in his mind like a broken tape. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he wasn't watching where he was going. He bumped into another monster and would have fallen to the floor if not for the monster wrapping his hands around Fell's thick hips. Fell glared at the monster. It was Chillby, the owner of that terrible, greasy place where Red spends all of his time.It was because of this place Red never spent any time with Fell. Not that Fell wanted to spend time with that piece of garbage. "Fell, is it? You need to be careful." said Chillby with a sinister grin. Fell pulled back. "Shut up! I don't need you tell me what to do." he replied. Chillby gave a small shrug. Fell folded his arms. "Red isn't at your stupid restaurant, right?" he asked. Chillby gave another shrug. Fell grabbed his shirt. "I will dust you if you don't answer me!" threatened Fell. Chillby grinned. "He's at my restaurant." he replied. Fell's eyes lit up red. That goddamn lazybones. He released Chillby's shirt and stomped off in the direction of Chillby's. Chillby followed behind him happily. Fell entered Chillby's and scanned the room for Red but didn't see him at all. Fell turned and glared at Chillby. "You said he was here. Where is he?" demanded Fell. "Calm down, he's in the back. He didn't want you to know he was here." Chillby replied. Fell stormed into the back but once again, he saw no Red. "Okay, what the hell-" started Fell. He was cut off by Chillby hitting him in the back of his head with a pot. Chillby looked at Fell's unconscious body in delight. "This will be so much fun." he said to himself before grabbing the body and leaving through the backdoor. Fell woke up in a dim room with his arms and legs restrained. He looked around the room, trying to clear his vison. "Good, you're awake." said Chillby, causing Fell to jump. "You dare kidnap me! I will dust you for this!" yelled Fell angrily. Chillby merely smiled in response o the threat. Chillby kneel beside Fell and began stroking his thigh. "I've wanting to do this since you were a child. Now, I finally get to." he said. "You pervert!" exclaimed Fell, moving away from Chillby.

(It starts here)

Chillby chuckled darkly and pinned Fell down. "Get off of me, you pedophile!" yelled Fell, fighting to get away from him but Chillby was much too strong for him. "Relax. I promise to be gentle." said Chillby. Chillby flipped Fell over and yanked off his pants. 'No No No NO!" cried Fell. Chillby ignored him and removed his pants. He shoved into Fell roughly. The room soon filled with Fell's pained cries and yells.

(It ends here)

Red sat at his station, reading a magazine when he heard footsteps heading towards him. Assuming it was Boss, he jumped and hid his magazine. He calmed down when he saw it was just Undyne. "Oh, hey. What's up, Undyne? Is everything okay?" asked Red. "Have you seen Fell? He didn't show up for practice today." replied Undyne. Red looked at him in confusion. " What? Fell didn't show up to practice? He never once missed any classes." said Red. " I know. I was upset, you know. When I see him, I'm gonna beat him up or making me wait." replied Undyne. She was lying and they both knew it. She was worried for him. "You don't think he got hurt, right?" she asked. Red's mind flew to that human. They weren't supposed to fall down here for another 3 days. "I'm going to go look for him." announced Red. Undyne nodded and ran off. Red ran back to the house, praying to the anything that would give him the time of day that his baby brother was fine and not dying in a ditch somewhere. He entered the house. "Fell!" yelled Red loudly. No response. "Come on, answer me please! If you're upset because of what I said earlier, I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry! Just please......come out." said Red, dropping to his knees and crying. Still no response. Red checked the whole Underground twice and still didn't see Fell at all. He was beyond the stages of worrying, he was filled with enough anxiety and fear to fill the whole Underground seven times. He was walking by Chillby's for the third time,(for some reason, Chillby wasn't there) when he noticed something at the back shaking. He walked around back and his jaw dropped. There,behind the restaurant in the snow, was Fell, curled into a little ball. "F-Fell?" asked Red. Fell only whimpered. Red was filled with even more fear. He kneeled down beside him. "Fell?' he asked again. He placed his hand on Fell's arm and immediately, Fell reacted. He flinched away from him. "Don't touch me! Not again! No!" he yelled. Red stared at Fell in shock. "Fell, it's me, Red." said Red. Fell slowly tuned to look at Red. "Why weren't you there when I needed you?" he whimpered and then passed out. Red looked at his little brother's form in confusion, surprise, shock and pity. What happened here? Who had done this to him? Red finally took a good look at Fell. His pants were all ripped, there were bruises on his bones, it looked like he had been- OH HELL NO. Red fell back in realization. His little brother was rape. Without even realizing it, his eye lit up red. Once he got his hand on the fucker who did this, he was going to have a great time killing them slowly. He took Fell into his arms and teleported them both home. He laid Fell carefully on the bed and covered him. He took out his phone and called Undyne. She answered immediately. "Hello, Red! Did you find him?" asked Undyne. "Yes, but he was...uh.. mistreated." replied Red. "What?!" exclaimed Undyne. "I'm coming over". "No!" exclaimed Red. "I mean..uh.. he's my brother. Let me find out what happened first." said Red. "Okay, but when you find out who it was, we're gonna go beat them up, right?" asked Undyne. "Was there ever a doubt?" replied Red. He could feel Undyne smiling evilly. He looked back over at Fell, who was stirring slightly. "He's waking up. I'll call you with updates later." said Red. "Okay, and you better not leave out anything." she said. "Promise." replied Red. With that, he hung up and went to Fell's side as the younger one opened his eyes. "W-What?" asked Fell weakly. "Hey, Fell. Are you okay?" asked Red. "O-of course, I'm okay. I'm the terrible Fell after all." replied Fell. Red was unconvinced. "Fell, don't lie to me." He said. "Just tell me what happened.". "Nothing happened. Just drop it, okay?" replied Fell. Red took Fell's hands into his own. " Fell, you don't need to be afraid to tell me. Nothing's going to happen to you." said Red. Fell remained silent. Red sighed. " Fell, did anyone...rape you?" asked Red, Fell's eyes widened and he scooted away from Red. "You'll hate me. Everyone will hate when they discover what happened." He replied. Red shook his head. "Fell, no one's going to hate you. Do you remember who did it?" asked Red. "You won't believe me." retorted Fell. Red looked him in the eye. "Yes, I will." He stated. Fell sighed. "It was Chillby." He said. That statement sucker punched Red in the gut. Of all the answers he thought he would get, that was definitely not one of them. Chillby, his best friend, raped his little brother? "Fell, are you sure about this?" asked Red. " I knew it. I knew you wouldn't believe me." replied Fell. "Nonono. Fell, I just want to make sure you're sure." said Red. Fell only nodded. He would confront Chillby tomorrow but right now, he needed to comfort his brother and be the elder brother he never was. "Can I hold you?" asked Red. Fell stared at Red for a short period of time before slowly nodded. Red moved forward and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have been there to help you." cried Red. Soon, Fell's shoulders started to shake, it took Red a while to realized he was crying. Red rubbed circles on Fell's spine as his strong and fearless younger brother sobbed into his shoulder. He would kill Chillby for doing this to his brother.

SURPRISE. I'm back and I'm ......not better. I think I became more terrible at writing. Still, hope you enjoy it.

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