Chapter 5: Lies

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Jesse's Pov:


Crap. It seems that when my Sister fell on me our mask flew off, just great.

"I don't understand, how are you still alive?" asked Axel

I didn't respond, but I noticed that my Sister was still on top of me.

"Jess" I said annoyed "mind getting off me?"

"Sorry Bro" apologized my sister as she got off me.

When my sister and I got off I quickly yelled "SPLASH POTION OF SLOWNESS." My sister didn't have to be reminded twice, as soon as I yelled that, we both grabbed the splash potions of slowness we had in our inventory and splashed at them.

Petra's Pov

"Jess, mind getting off me?" "Sorry Bro." 

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Jesse there, our leader was there and alive. I looked at the girl that was next to him, Jess I guess was her name and I am guessing that Jess was his twin sister.

"SPLASH POTION OF SLOWNESS" he yelled as soon as he got up. I had a feeling I knew what was happening and I was right. I saw both Jesse and his sister pull  out splash potions of slowness, as soon as I saw them jumped out of the way. The splash potions of slowness hit everyone but me.

"What just happened?" asked Lukas in a deep voice and slow due to the affects of the potion.

"Not again" said Axel in the same pattern as Lukas. This reminds me when Ivor threw us one of the splash potions of slowness on us when the Wither storm was still alive and destroying everything in it's way.

The three of them ran to Jesse and his sister, but the potion was still affecting them because they are running in slow motion. Jesse and his Sister turned around and started to walk away. I had enough of this, I ran and tackled Jesse to the ground, "Oof, WHAT THE HELL" he yelled as he tried to stand up. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and started to yell over my lungs " WHAT THE HELL JESSE? WHY DID YOU ATTACKS US? WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? Jesse just looked at me concern "I'm sorry about this Petra" he said. "Wha..." I was interrupted when his sister tackled me and made me let go of Jesse. Jesse quickly got up and helped his Sister. he looked at me with a sadden face and the sigh and said "splash potion of invisibility." With that they splashed themselves with splash potions and vanished out of sight. I heard footsteps fading rapidly.

I was so confused and angry at the same time, Jesse my crush just betrayed us and faked his death. Then my anger slowly faded away and I felt sadness take over me. I look at the group and it seems that the potion wore off. 

"Are you guys ok?" I ask they nodded in response. "Lets go back to our temple." I didn't want to continue this, and even if I did we couldn't go to that temple because we don't have that map to go to it. We all sighed and went to our horses and we went back to our temple.

Jesse's Pov:

I watch as my friends got on their horses and left, I am ashamed for what I did. I didn't want to hurt my friends, especially since I faked my death.

"Hey Jesse?" I heard my sister call me.


"You feeling alright?" 


"It's ok, if you want we can tell them"

"No lets not even bother, they probably see me as a traitor than a friend, so talking to them will just cause a problem."

"Alright if that's what you want, lets go back to our base."

Me and my Sister got on our horses and went to a long journey back home.

N/A: Ok here is another, so the new order of the stone found out that Jesse faked his death and they believe he had betrayed them, though Jesse feel guilty for what he caused, let's see how it goes. See ya later :D

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