Chapter 8: Meeting

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Jesse's Pov:

It has been about three weeks since the accident but I got  over it. We only had a week to find the Order again for explaining, I just hope they can forgive me. It was morning so Jess and I left the Jungle Biome to find some coal in another cave, we took our horses, pickaxes,some torches, our armor, our swords and a bit of food for the trip. It took us about forty-five minutes to find a cave, but it was worth it. We let our horses rest outside the cave while me and Jess went inside the dark cave. 

"Hey Jesse remembered when you said we will talk to your friends?" Jess said as she placed some torches on the dark cave.

"Yeah and?" I asked

We then heard moaning,  a Zombie of coarse.

"Well how are you feeling" She asked me while I slained the Zombie.

"I feel a bit better, and by the way here is the coal." I replied with a smile

I kept in watch in case move come to ruin the party, while Jess was mining the coal. No mobs came and there were about ten pieces of coal

 "That's all the coal from the spot, but we need more than this." said Jess

"Agreed, and this just the beginning of the cave " I smirked.

Petra's Pov:

We were traveling for about three weeks and we were running low on materials. We are almost out of food, torches and wood. The group and our horses were tired and hungry but we need to keep going. After a few moments we saw a cave and two horses. But these horses looked like the ones Jesse and his Sister had. Then I realized that those belonged to them.

"Guys, look" I pointed at the horses.

"They must be there, I guess we don't have to go get Ivor" said Olivia

"Thank goodness" said Lukas.

We went to the cave to the cave and made our horses rest next to Jesse's and his Sister's horses. The group and I then went inside the cave. I was filled with torches so we probably don't have to worry about mobs.

We were walking in the path of torches when we heard voices.

"Do you think this is enough coal"

"Yeah, that's enough lets go back"

"That's got to be Jesse and his sister" I whispered to them "hide"

We all hid to get a good look on who they were. And I was right it's them. Everyone looked at me and I nodded. We took our weapons, just in case they attack us,

"Jesse" I said before I left my hiding spot.

Jesse's Pov:


Once me and Jess heared my name from a familiar voice we froze. We turned around and saw Petra holding her sword. We both got our swords out, but when we did the rest of the order came out of their hiding spots.

"Jesse" said my sister as looked at her eyes. I know what she was thinking, I nodded. We both got on our knees and put our swords down. The Order just stared at us confused and shocked.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" I asked

"What?" The Order said at the same time

"KILL US!!!" me and Jess yelled.

No one's Pov:

The Order just stared at Jesse and Jess, they couldn't believe they wanted die.

"We are not going to kill you guys" said Petra

"And can you guys get up please?" asked Lukas

Jesse and Jess got their swords and putted them in their inventory and got up their feet. Petra went to Jesse and Jess closer.

"Look we don't want to fight anyone we just need answers" said Petra

Jesse and Jess looked at each other and nodded.

"Very well, but lets go to the Jungle biome for you guys to rest." said Jesse

Everyone got out the Cave and got on their horses. The Order followed Jesse and Jess to the Jungle biome. Night time came by the time they got to the jungle biome cave where Jesse and Jess live.

"We are we in a cave?" asked Axel

Jesse and Jess didn't responed, Jesse went near the wall next to them and mined the stone where a button was shown. Jesse pushed the button and putted a stone block to hide the button. After a few seconds  the stone in front of them moved and created an entrance.

"Woah, how did you guys do this circuit?" asked Olivia

"Countless days of work and mining." answered Jess unmused.

"Get inside now before the mobs come to attack us." said Jesse.

Everyone got inside except Jesse and Jess. The order saw Jesse and Jess bring the horses inside to rest. They saw them feed the horses.

"Jess take everyone to the library, I'll be there after I feed the horses" said Jesse

Jess nodded" Follow me." 

The Order followed Jess to the library that she and Jesse built.

"Hey Jess" asked Lukas

"Yes?" responded Jess

"Why do you guys have similar names?"

"Our parents named us both Jesse, but I go by Jess that way we can avoid confusion."

After a few minutes Jesse came to the library and rested in the wall.

"Ok, what do you want us to answer?" Asked Jesse

N/A: Ok guys here is the next Chapter see you next time.

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