Chapter 7: Forgive or not?

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Petra's Pov:

I was thinking about all the drama that happened earlier on the way back to our temple. I couldn't believe that Jesse kept many things away from us. He never told us he had a twin sister and he faked his death. When we thought he was dead we all felt like a part of us just died, but now that we saw Jesse attack us and alive we felt all felt betrayed.

Now here I am, in my room thinking about what had happened, Jesse shattered a big piece of my heart, now I don't know what to do know. A part of me told me that Jesse was never a friend and was a traitor, but the other part told me to give Jesse another chance.

Wait, I am the new leader of the new order of the stone, maybe we can discuss about this. I then fell asleep.

Jess' Pov: 

I woke up in the morning to check on Jesse, the poor guy must still feel guilty and ashamed for what he did to his friends, I don't want him to feel that way. I went to our main hallway and what I suspected it, he was there resting against the wall with his wither skeleton skull and hoodie on.

"Hey Jesse" I said.

"Hey" he responded.

"So did you thought about it?"

"Yeah, I did"


"I think that we should talk to them, but not know, lets give them a few days to cool down"

I smiled when he said that, but when I saw him frown behind that skull my smiled faded away fro my face.

"What's wrong Jesse?" I ask him

"I'm just still thinking about what I did to them" He responded. "What if they don't want to talk to me because of my foolish decisions?'

I saw tear fall out of that skull, I pulled out and hugged him. I felt him hug back, "It's ok" I said as tears were falling out off me. "Like you said lets give them a few more days before we talk to them."

"Thanks sis" He said with a sad smile " Lets wait for about a month before we talk to them"


We stopped hugging and continued our day.

No one's Pov: 

Back at the Order's Temple...

"Are you sure it's a good Idea?" Asked Lukas.

"Yea, I'm sure" responded Petra as she crossed her arms.

"But have you forgotten what Jesse did?" Asked Olivia.

"Yea Petra, Jesse attacked us and stole that map" Said Axel.

"Not to mention he faked his death." Said Olivia

"Look guys, I know Jesse betrayed us but we need to talk to him, we need answers." Said Petra

"You have a point there but how are we suppose to find them? They could be everywhere." Said Lukas.

Petra thought for a moment and then said "I never thought I'll say this but we could go to the Far Lands to ask Ivor to help us."

The Order were thinking about the idea, then they nodded.

"Then it's settled, We will go to the Far Lands tomorrow morning."  Said Petra 

After the meeting was over Petra went to Jesse's room and looked around.

"I hope you give us a reason to forgive you Jesse." thought Petra

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