Chapter 1: Goodbye old friend

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No one's Pov

Things were not looking good for the New order of the Stone, Today was a sunny but not happy day. It was a day for a member's funeral, and his name is Jesse.

Jesse was the leader of the new Order of the Stone, and his friends didn't knew how he died, this was unexpected. His friends have a theory that maybe it had to do with his depression. Ever since Jesse lost Reuben he's hadn't himself lately. Jesse would cry in his room in the Order's new rebuilt temple. When Jesse and his gang defeated the Wither storm they took over the Old order's temple and rebuild it to live on it. Jesse would sometimes give everyone the cold shoulder and then apologise for that.

Jesse's friend's were getting worried about his behavior, especially Petra. No one knew this, but, Petra had a crush on Jesse for a long time, she didn't told Jesse about her feelings and now she will never get the chance.

It was time for Jesse  to rest now,  Jesse was now buried next to Reuben's memorial. Every one was a this funeral and dressed nice and after awhile everyone left to their homes with tears leaving Petra alone in Jesse's Grave.

"Why?" thought Petra " Why did you have to leave Jesse". Petra looked at the sky with tears and anger. " WHY DIDN'T IT RAIN? DON'T YOU SEE THAT TODAY WAS A DAY YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO CRY". Petra burst into tears and ran to the forest.

She ran and ran until she finally stopped at the spot where she had saved Jesse and Reuben before the Wither storm inccident happend. She went on her knees and continued crying hard.

"This is getting out of hand" Wispered Petra in a sad tune " First Reuben and now you, I will get our friend  and myself to move on, that's a promise Jesse. Petra then wiped her tears out and left with a sad smile to the Order's temple. "And I have the perfect idea to do it" said Petra with a weak smile.

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