Chapter 2

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That was the year that my life turned from being the best, to upside down. I had never experienced pain like I did that year

. August 8, 2003. It was a bright sunny day. I remember every little detail as if it was tattooed into my brain. That day I had worn my white shorts and blue tank top and walked to the park where David asked me to meet him.

It was almost seven o’clock by ten but not even a bit cold outside. Every time I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. There he was, in jeans no matter how hot or cold the weather. He was just standing there, yet I knew something was wrong

. The expression on his face scared me. When I reached him, he gave me a quick and urgent kiss. Then he said the four words I never hoped to hear. 

"We need to talk" He said with a serious face. 

My heart raced like crazy and I started to shake. I was scared; terrified of what he would tell me. 

“OK” I said with a shaky voice. He took my hand and led me to the grass. We sat down and he looked me straight in the eye. I couldn’t dare to look back– afraid of what I would see so I merely looked down to the grass. 

“Fiona” he said, “I have something to tell you. You might be upset with me but let me finish what I have to say before you come to conclusions. Last week, at a friend’s party, I met this girl. Her name is Ann.” He took a deep breath and all I could do was cry, silently. “After the party, I got to know her more and I’m in love with her.

I know this is all so unfair to you but hey, sometimes, things happen that I can’t control.” 

I finally gathered the strength to look into his eyes. I put on a fake smile and asked him, “Are you happy with her?” What a stupid question I thought but that was all my brain could come up with. 

“Yes I am,” he replied, “It’s not that being with you doesn’t make me happy or anything but when I’m with Ann, it’s like a whole different world. Do you know what I mean?” 

“Yes I do…” I said with a heavy heart. “I understand.” On the outside, I was happy, smiling even. But on the inside, I was hurting. When he had said those four words, it felt as if he took my heart and ripped it to pieces in front of my face.

With each word, the pain felt like a thousand knives stabbing at the remnants of my heart. “Promise me something okay? Promise me that you’ll completely forget about me, okay?” 

“Fiona i cant ” 

Please? It would make me happy and it’s my final wish…” 

“Okay then… I promise you. You’ll always be my best friend. Good bye.” He gave me one brief kiss on the cheek and walked away…I sat on the grass;

My heart was heavy, my eyes swollen with tears. The world as I had known it has ceased to exist.

I will never again know what it is like to laugh with my childish abandon because mychildhood was behind me. Pain and sorrow will be my constant companions how that the love of my life is gone. I raised my eyes to watch him walk away forever into the crimson sunset. 

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