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"Hey, Joe?" I whisper, try to not wake Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Gerard up.


"Who's phone is this?" I grab the iPhone 5 from the coffee table.

"Gerard's. Why?" His lips turning into a smirk probably knowing what I might do.

"Okay. Um Frank?" I turn to Frank.


"What is the most hated thing Gerard hates?"

"Um...he doesn't like when people snog in public, or needles. Yeah, definitely doesn't like needles." Frank said, grabbing his phone from my hand and doing something.

A moment past and Frank gave me Gerard's phone back. I look at Frank confuse.

"Turn it on."

I look back at the phone and turn it on to see a picture of a donkey. I burst out laughing a the image.

"Oh my god. Ryan look." I brought the phone to Ryan's face. He laughed softly.

No smile.

Making You Smile//Ryden AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now