(Chapter Three)

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It had been the longest week of my life at least it seemed that way. It was Wednesday afternoon, I sat on my desk at work looking out the window thinking about Friday night and about finally setting my eyes on that petite stranger once more. I worked for a magazine as a writer I truly loved and enjoyed my job I got to connect with other people through my stories. I always wrote my articles as anonymous I wanted to maintain myself out of the public eye, Due to this magazine being one of the most elite best sellers in all of Florida I chose to keep myself on the down low. I had been working for Life magazine only a year but I already had my own page yeah it wasn't the most popular but it was heating up I even got it to #1 trending topic on twitter once. My boss Mr. Stone was one of the most prestigious writers he had worked for People and even Time magazine I truly admired him and he had even told me I was one of his favorite writers, always kept true to myself and my writing was always raw and usually came from my experiences which made me connect even more with my readers.

Normani was a few doors down from me, She was the one to introduce me to Mr. Stone and thanks to her I was doing what I loved. She worked for the fashion column and she always appeared on the front pages she even travelled to New York and Paris for fashion week. She was a beast at what she did always making me proud of everything she had accomplished regardless of everything she had been through. Both her parents passed away when we were 17, They had been on a boat ride when they collided with a bigger boat they were in the middle of the ocean and unfortunately didn't have a platform to hold on to when the boat started sinking making them drown with it. The coast guard had found their bodies a few days later allowing Normani to properly bury them together, Since then my parents had taken her in and we had overcome everything together. I moved out two years ago living only 30 minutes away from my parents but enough to be by myself and independent, Normani moved in with me right after her hot encounter with Dinah. She said she didn't see the point on us leaving separately if she was always at my house.

We lived in a two bedroom apartment with an ocean view and a small balcony where I usually spend my mornings reading. "Lauren are you ready to go? I am exhausted" Normani's voice interrupted my thoughts as she walked inside my office eyeing me for a few seconds. "Are you alright? Don't tell me you're still thinking about Friday night." She questioned me furrowing her eyebrows. "No I was thinking about everything you and me have been through. I'm just glad to have you in my life that's all mani." I replied looking up at her, a huge smile on her face. "Yeah, I'm glad we have each other kid, Now please let's go home before I pass out standing up." She complained extending her arm so I could take it.


"Are you almost ready? We're always running late cus of you Lo, Honestly like what are you doing in there?" I heard Normani's screams from her room. It was Friday night and we were getting ready to head out and meet with Dinah and Ally and Camila. I was so nervous I kept changing my outfit I wanted to look perfect for that petite stranger. We decided to go to a gay club for some reason Dinah insisted on going because she had never been to one before. I had plenty of experience on that atmosphere so I immediately agreed not before checking in with Normani and making sure she felt comfortable she didn't hesitate on agreeing on going, Same with Ally and I guess Camila was excited to go as well. I finally opened my bedroom door almost running into Normani who was standing just outside my door, She was wearing tight black skinny jeans, red heels making her slightly taller than me a red cropped top that allowed her to show her belly button ring and part of her abs.

"Wow you look hot Mani, You all ready for Dinah?" the questioned slipped my mouth and I immediately regretted the teasing. She squinted before saying anything "Shut the fuck up, I told you not to talk about that anymore. Honestly don't joke around like that when we're all together Lo, I'm being serious I just want to forget it" she said before turning around heading towards the door. I just nodded my head and tried to catch up with her. "You also look hot by the way" she said still not looking at me and grabbing her car keys. I just smiled, I knew she couldn't be mad at me for more than 5 seconds and that's exactly why I loved her. I was wearing a black high waisted tight skirt, black heels that made me a few inches taller and a white cropped top that showed my slight marked abs.

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