(Chapter Eight)

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Towards the end it might get a little intense. Just an FYI


The next morning after our night out I woke up before any of the girls and decided to leave, I had some blackout moments and I didn't feel like listening to Dinah talk about how I made a fool of myself and I really didn't want to face Lauren. I called an Uber and left a note for Dinah letting her know I was okay and to just text me later and next to Lauren I left a note with a small dandelion on top of it, I kissed her cheek goodbye and headed outside to wait for my ride.

When I got home I could hear the sound of a guitar playing from the back room where Shawn usually was, As I headed to the sound of the strings strumming I saw two bags thrown on the hallway. He was home early, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that he was here a day earlier. I loved Shawn but I wanted some time alone to really process last night.

"Babe?" I heard his voice echo through the hallway as the sound of the guitar stopped and I could hear him place it down on the ground. "Hey, You're here early" I said entering the room, His face lit up as he saw me. He jumped off his sit and wrapped me around his arms lifting me off the ground as he usually did before he kissed me hello, His lips were soft and I could taste a slight hint of alcohol on them. "Did you drink before coming home?" I asked, As he put me down, Ignoring my question.

"Where were you? Did you not spend the night here?" he asked, his mood immediately changing to a more annoyed and upset Shawn. I started turning around ready to exit the room when he forcefully grabbed me by my wrist turning me back around to face him. "Did you not hear me?" he said sounding even more upset than before. "I- I was at Dinah's. We had a movie night and Ally was there too. I guess I lost track of time and spend the night there. I-I Didn't know you were going to be here today. S-Sorry." I lied and apologized feeling his grip loosen from my wrist, His fingers marked leaving already a small bruise on it.

"It's okay I just expected MY wife to be home, But it's fine. I said I would give them another chance so whatever just don't do it again. Next time I want you here okay?" I nodded my head before walking towards our room. I took a sit on our bed and Shawn entered the room. His eyes roaming my body hungrily before he took a step closer to me, he pushed me back as he got on top of me. I felt his lips kissing my now bruised wrist "Sorry" he whispered, kissing my neck all the way to my ear. "I love you Camila" he whispered, kissing my cheek then my lips. I was not on the mood, I was exhausted and had a headache from all the drinking of the night before.

"Not right now" I said, pushing him back and away from me, His face turned into a dark expression I had seen plenty of times before on the last year of marriage. "What you don't want me anymore? Am I not attractive? Are you fucking someone else?" he started screaming, grabbing both my arms placing them on top of my head as he started sucking on my neck harder and harder. " You are MY wife and you will do what I say when I say it. Understood?" he said, removing himself from top of me and walking away, I heard the front door slam loudly and then then the garage door opened as I heard his car pulling away from the front yard and down the street.

Tears started streaming down my face, soft then hard. I got married to Shawn a year ago, My dad had recently passed away from a heart condition leaving my mom, little sister and I by ourselves. I had known Shawn for about 5 years, I never saw him as more than a friend but after my dad passed he was always there for me and my mom, he never left my side. We became closer and closer and I eventually fell for him, we got married because he came from a wealthy family and my mom and I were struggling, a lot. But that's not the only reason why I married him, I was In love at least I thought I was. He bought my mom a house 2 hours away from us and she lived there with my little sister Sofi, I didn't see them as often as before but we talked all the time.

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