Happy Family Or Not?

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The Kim household were celebrating their eldest daughter's 10th birthday, Stephanie or Tiffany who seems to be her mother's favorite alongside with Krystal because both of the kids loves fashion unlike their younger brother, Yoong, who loves girls like their dorky father, the birthday girl blows her candle and the cake that heights about 7 inches tall, well, they came from a wealthy family of Kim and Jung so they could afford luxury but their parents doesn't spoiled them alot especially Jessica, the dictator of the household and beloved ex-wife of the poor servant Taeyeon, she wrapped him around her fingers for 10 years, but today was different because they've grown hatred from each other and decided to be legally divorced, it wasn't planned at first due to their kids condition, family and publicity. The famous designer uses her maiden name since before so it wasn't hard for her to carry the name under Jung much to her ex-husband's dismay, they argue alot because of ego, woman and guys that keeps hitting on them, work and responsibility being a parent but despite of their status they were still remains as good friends for their children. They still lived under one roof but separate rooms, Jessica had a fling who happens to be a famous model under her label while Taeyeon has none but his wife had no idea, she thought that he was dating SunMi because she often saw them together, sweet so she decided to get revenge using Sooyoung as her fake boyfriend to play with her husband's stupid game of jealousy, she keeps an eye to Taeyeon everyday but the husband was completely aware of his wife's behavior, he was annoyed by her but somehow he likes it. They keep bickering, annoying and teasing each other if they have time to bump from each other inside their residence and their kids loves it so much that they're making a bet whom will won the fight, oblivious to adult's true nature on relationships. Tiffany loves her father so much because one time she heard a faint sobs inside her daddy's room and she was sure that it was him, on the other hand, Soojung, a boyish brat who favors her mother too much that she sided Jessica even she was on Taeyeon's company since she was also her mommy's replica and lastly, Yoong, a 8-year old boy who remains neutral between his parent's love, the next heir of Kim Empire. He loves to play soccer with his Dad while he loves to bake with his Mom and sisters, he was the only one who knew about his parents separation but keeping it to himself for good, he always eavesdropping to every rooms, indeed a smartass.

"Blow your candles, baby!" Jessica cheered beside her eldest, clapping her hands.

"How mommy?" Tiffany asked.

"Maybe, using your nose, sweety?" Taeyeon said nonchalantly earning a giggles from Soojung and Yoong.

"TAENGOO!" Jessica barks seeing her eldest was teary-eyed because of an immature midget's teasing of her own father.

"Geez, I'm just kidding, I was trying to lighten the mood here, guys!" The midget defended while he cups Tiffany's face to soothed her.

"Just blow them noona so we could eat those biggy flowers on cake, right Jungie-yah!" Yoong nudge his twin who silently focused on the cake toppings with excitement in their eyes.

"Whatever!" Soojung scoffed and crosses her arms, her attitude similar to her mother.

"What a brat, totally like her witch mother indeed." Taeyeon thought while staring at his daughter's rude behavior.

"Happy birthday our dearest Stephanie Kim!" The family shouted happily in unison celebrating their family member's birthday made Jessica overwhelmed.


Taeyeon was driving his kids to their school when his phone suddenly rings, flashing his ex-wife's awful name. He reluctantly picked up the phone and a deafening dolphin scream welcome his poor eardrum, telling him that he forgot to bring Yoong's medicine since the boy suffered aplastic anemia, he abruptly made a u-turn to their home. He silently curse his wife and his forgetfulness since he's always occupied by work, he planned longtime ago that he will hired a professional hitman to kill his wife and her rumored boyfriend and now he was sure to proceed to his operation or maybe he could do it by himself sometimes.

"Daddy?" Yoong interfere his father.

"What? I'm busy picking up your mom's bucketlist of demand." Taeyeon response in between the phone call from his nagging ex-wife.

"I think you also forgot to wear your pants, Daddy, you don't want us to embarrassed us to our school, right?" Yoong uttered peeking his two sister's reaction at the backseat who keep their eyes closed.

"Oh, fuck!" TaeYeon facepalm himself.

"Yah! Are you cursing me now, Kim Taeyeon? You get it when you arrive home! Asshole!" Jessica slammed the phone earning an annoying sound through her husband's ears.

"JESSICA JUNG YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF ME!!!!!" Taeyeon pulled his hair from annoyance and anger towards the evil ex-wife. He was trying his very best not to assault his irritating ex-wife.

"YAH! DAD KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD OR ELSE MOMMY WILL KILL YOU WHEN WE ALL GOT INTO ACCIDENT!" Soojung snorted when she pointed infront of the road that they almost got hit by a truck, luckily, her father was a pro-driver.

"Feels like I'm always with your mom when I heard and see you like that Soojung Kim." Taeyeon snorted back while calmly driving their family car earning a full laughter from Tiffany and Yoong because their dad was totally right.

"Yah! Why are you laughing at me? I'm not amused, okay? Whatever losers!"

"See? You're like mom, Jungie!" Tiffany teased making Yoong laugh his ass off same with their dorky father giving a thumbs up to his beloved eldest.

"Unnieeee!" Soojung cried when she was being teased playfully by her siblings.


A/N: I love to write TaengSic for once since they we're my favorite pairings after all.

With Love,


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