First Attempt

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The CEO almost finished her bathing and tucked herself under the duvet, turning off her lampshade and ready to sleep, she didn't forget to check her kids before she entered inside the room making sure that they already fell asleep, not caring about her ex-husband since the businessman arrives at 2am when they're all sleeping, probably snoring.

"Goodnight, Taengoo." Jessica whisper.

Unbeknownst to her, the midget was already waiting inside her room making sure if she was already asleep, Taeyeon slowly stepped outside the walking closet of his ex-wife holding a huge pillow on his bare hands, tiptoeing until he reached the queen size smaller than his bed, he silently make an evil laugh as he lean towards the sleeping figure, checking his stable breathing, perfect he thought as he slowly trying to cover her face by the pillow, just a little bit more until the fabric kissed her gentle face but unfortunately the woman stirred from her slumber, eyes wide open, while Taeyeon hastily retreated his evil plan, feeling nervous when Jessica eyeing him suspiciously as he hids the pillow at his back, he felt the cold glaring from the woman shivers his body up to his nerves.

"Want to sleep beside me?" Jessica smirked while Taeyeon furrowed his brows making a what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about look.

"Just said it as simple as that, I won't kick you out." Jessica added the fuel on fire.

"What the hell is she talking about? Is it one of her trap on me?" Taeyeon facepalmed himself when his plan ruined by his own victim but he's being careful from his ex-wife.

"Come here, you dork!" Jessica patted the space beside her and opened the duvet for him gesturing him to get inside while TaeYeon hesistated at first.

"Should I? Maybe a little sympathy won't hurt, right?" Taeyeon thought as he slowly climbed into the bed, the evil woman kicked him off the bed and stumbled down made him passed out, well who wouldn't when your head kiss the floor first.

"Huh, serves you right pervert!" Jessica sticked out her tongue to the unconscious man on the floor and get back from her beauty rest.

Sun almost rise when Taeyeon got off from his bed, he stepped inside his personal bathroom, he was confused how he got into his room, he was sure it wasn't a dream until he touch his head and winces in pain, he got a small bump visible on his forehead when he comb his hair, he was angered by the thoughts that he was tricked by his evil ex-wife.

"I couldn't believe Mom will ordered us to help her bring Daddy to his own room at 4am, you know how my arms hurt alot like hell." Yoong protest made his noonas agreed.

"I guess Daddy did something pervert to Mommy so that explain why he was kicked out from their room." Soojung explained siding her mommy Jessica much to Tiffany's liking.

"Yah! Daddy's not like that and besides it's normal for a couple like our beloved parents. When I was 4 I heard them screaming their names inside their room, I wonder what they are doing inside, fighting is understatement back then." Tiffany defended siding her daddy Taeyeon.

"According to my own observation, they love to pissed each other because it's the way they show affection towards each other." Yoong added as he munched his sandwich while giving other to his noonas.

"Maybe but are they plannig to have another siblings for us since both of you were already grown up and no fun at all." Tiffany stated a matter of factly.

"Yah! We're not boring, you know. I guess they're both stress from work so that's explain their behavior and sometimes Daddy was stubborn that he always fool mommy like one time." Soojung said between munching.

"I guess another addition wasn't bad at all besides Mommy loves kid." Yoong cheered happily.

"While Daddy loves butt and sluts." Soojung added being annoyed by her father's wrongdoings.

"Yah! Kim Soojung!"


Kim Yoong admitted to Seoul General Hospital because of his illness made the whole Kim-Jung clan alarmed and hurriedly visit the young heir of their empire especially the old Kim who travelled from London to Seoul urgently when he heard about the news. Jessica who almost cry for hours when she saw how her son attended by nurses and doctors when he was almost dying, Taeyeon by then, leave his slut in the midst of fucking each other at the motel and soothed his ex-wife surprisingly. Thankfully, the boy was out of danger and now resting on his private ward, the Kim and Jung clan leave the heir under his parent's care alongside with the Kim siblings, Tiffany as the eldest child in-charge most of the work at the hospital like washing dishes, soothing her crying mother, cleaning the ward, taking care of Soojung and lecturing her immature father when everytime he was nowhere to be found. Taeyeon was very proud of her, he always sing a lullaby to his girls at night and engulfing them on his warmth, sometimes the thought of killing Jessica was set aside but after a few days he promise to himself that he will get revenge to the evil woman everytime he recalled how Jessica tricked, fooled and hurt by her so now that the night was deep, he planned to strangle her neck to death or slam her head into a hard things but the most wise idea was making her food causing her stomachache.

"Sica, you must eat, don't you see how you look thinier like a paper these days, I bought us food, here." Taeyeon offered a chinese food take out adding something awful to made her stomachache but deep inside he was silently laughing his ass looks like a fool.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry yet." Jessica rejected much to his dismay.

"It's your favorite dish." Taeyeon trying to shove the food on Jessica's mouth.

"WAAAAH! CUCUMBER!" Jessica accidentally pushed Taeyeon's hand so the food shove inside his mouth instead made him choke so he try to reached for a water and his wife handed him immediately as he drank half of them and after a few minutes the food poison finally kicks in made Taeyeon abruptly runs inside the bathroom holding his butt to prevent something disgusted.

"Yah! What's that stinky? Smells awful." Tiffany pinched her nose to avoid smelling the stinky air same with Yoong until Soojung wakes up because of the smell too.

"What the?" Soojung angered and curse so Tiffany covered her little sister's mouth not to be heard by their mother.

"YAH! KIM TAEYEON! YOU DISGUSTING MAN." Jessica kicks the bathroom door but obviously it was lock because Taeyeon almost curse her as his stomach twitched in pain.

"You'll pay for this JESSICA!" TaeYeon balled his fist.


A/N: Nonstop bickering between TaengSic but for me it's sweet and their kids we're such smartass.

With Love,


OPERATION: Kill My Ex-Wife (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now