Chapter 3: Terra

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Terra hung up and gave the phone back to her mom. She wasn't allowed to have her own cell phone yet.

"Terra," her mom said, "You should shower, you smell like you've been walking in manure."

"Well," Terra told her, "Technically I have, the garden's fertilizer is manure."

"Just go shower, I don't have time for technicalities."

"Kay, mom."

Terra ran up the stairs and went to her room. It wasn't what you'd call the 'bright-pink-super-girly' type room, but it still had a light lavender paint on the walls.

She got her pajamas and went into the bathroom.

After showering Terra heard her mom tell her to practice her violin. Terra liked playing violin, but sometimes it interfered with her other stuff.

"Can I clean my room first?" Terra asked.


Terra shuffled all her papers into neat piles, put her books back on the shelf, and hung up any stray clothes.

"Terra?" Her mom called, "Are you done yet?"

"Yeah, Mom. In a sec," She told her.

Terra ran down the stairs and jumped down on the third to last step.

"Hey, Mom," Terra said, "Can I have a sleepover with Raven tonight?"

"Yeah, sure," Her mom told her, "Just be home by lunch tomorrow."

"Thanks, Mom,"

"No problem, I have to go to work overnight to figure out this virus anyway."

"Well, it's five so can I leave at, like, five thirty?" Terra asked.

"That seems okay," her mom said.

"I'll go practice,"


After Terra practiced her violin for half an hour she packed her stuff. Two pairs of jeans, three candy bars, two t-shirts, a jacket, and one pair of sneakers. She was wearing a sweatshirt, a pair of jeans, and running shoes.

"Bye, Mom!" Terra called.

"Bye! Have a nice night," Her mom replied.

Terra walked to the nearest bus stop and hopped on, she asked the driver let her off at the stop near Navy Elementary. From there, she walked the rest of the way to Raven's house. Since it was summer, the Sun wouldn't set until around 8:30, so Terra was okay, but she still had her duffle bag unslung and ready to hit people.

When Terra eventually got to the neighborhood section of the street system, she called Raven.

"Hello?" Raven answered.

"Hey, it's Terra. I'm by Harper's house. Where are you?"

"Go down the street and at the bottom you'll see a grayish house with white shutters."

"Okay, I'm walking down the street now. Do you mean the house on the left? With the holly tree?"

"Yep, that's me. I'll open the garage doors to let you in."

The garage doors opened and Terra stepped in.

"Hi," Raven said, not looking up from what she was doing. She was looking down at an iPad with earbuds in her ears.

"Whatcha watchin'?" Terra asked.

"Young Justice."

"Never heard of it."

"Didn't think so, it's a DC Comics animated series By the way, I made rice and curry," Raven said, "There's a rice cooker on the counter."


Terra put down her duffle bag and opened the rice cooker.

"Make sure you wash your hands!" Raven yelled from the couch.

Terra went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When she finished, she got a plate from the cabinet, filled it with the rice and curry, then sat down at the table to eat.

"Do you have Cartoon Network?" Terra asked.

"No, I just watch stuff on Netflix, like Doctor Who and all that stuff."

"You're a Whovian?"

"Actually I'm a SuperWhoLockian."

"What's that?"

"That means that I really like Supernatural, Doctor Who,and Sherlock."

"Okay. Hey, do you have any white pepper? This isn't spicy enough."

"It's in the cabinet by the microwave," Raven told her.


"Hey, what happened to your magic and your dragon?" Terra asked.

"Well, Sherlock kinda faded after about six months, and I still have my magic, see?" Raven lifted up her hand and a blue flame danced across her fingers.


"Well, I'm bored. So, I'm gonna try and call Grant. I tried earlier but I got voicemail."

"That seems like a good idea," Terra replied.

Raven called.

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