The Run and Wolf

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**A/N: Reminder, the offer is still available. Enjoy!** 

Thoughtfully munching on the bagel, I make my way over to some comfy looking couches. What a day, and it's only 9:30. The sun has been fully released from the horizon, and is steady climbing up. The temperature will be rising as well as the day proceeds forward. Round and round we'll go.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Hey Barry!"

"Hey Tab, you ready to run?" He seems so excited. He's like a cute little bear cub.

"No, but that's okay. Where to?"

"Follow me!" He seems to be bouncing with excitement.

He leads me to room indoor track? An indoor track! That means less running outside in the heat! Bless the day!

"I got your cross country and track records from Sam and Dean. You are so fast!"

"No I wasn't! I most certainly did not make varsity for either of those. My best 3 mile was only 19:00, 1 mile 5:30, and 800 meters was 2:40."

"Compared to other schools, those were some really fast times." He's such the optimist. I love it.

"Barry, your best mile is faster than the speed of light."


"Yes. It is." I say, smiling at him. That's why he's what I guess could be called The Flash.

"You're still fast! Anyways, I want you to run and I'm going to run with you."

"You will run laps around me!" I begin laughing. The whole idea of me being anywhere near Barry's jogging speed is hilarious.

"Do you remember when you went for your run after Lucifer invaded your mind? Do you remember how fast you were when you ran away?"

My eyes widen. "They told you about that?"

"Yeah. Your watch probably went blank, right?"

"Yes...But what does that mean?"

"It means that that's when your powers started waking up. One of those is speed, and we are going to finish uncovering it today." There's a challenging glint in his eyes, encouraging me to test out what he's said.

"Alright." I say, suddenly feeling much more confident than before, "Let's start."

His smile widens- if that's even possible. "Get going then."

I take off at a jog and slowly ease myself into the run. Concentrating purely on my breath and on keeping my running form smooth. Going around in circles on the track isn't my favorite, but it most certainly is better than running in the blazing heat that has surely started building up outside. Fortunately for me, the air inside the room is comfortable. Barry runs confidently beside me, not breaking a sweat.

"So, what is this," I say, looking over at his seemingly bored figure, "like your slow walk on the beach pace?"

He lets out a breathless laugh, "Maybe..." He trails. "You ready to pick it up a bit?"

"Sure!" We start to run a bit faster, sinking more into a regular tempo. This is good. So far, I feel great. There's sweat starting to trail its way down my neck, but I don't feel dead yet.

"Okay, we're going to pick it up a little more." He says calmly, like he is a teacher instructing a group of terrified preschoolers. A look of panic crosses my face, but I quickly regain my composure.

We find ourselves going race-pace now. My arms continue to pump steadily; my feet successfully not tripping over each other. My breathing hasn't become ragged yet, which is odd. Usually I'd be sounding like a freight train right about now.

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