Execution Plan

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**A/N: It's been longer than I promised and I'm sorry! Trying my best to finish this up :) Enjoy lovelies! On a strange note, I had the scariest dream about camping last night!! Guess I'm still not over the bear sighting from a few weeks ago.**

**Dean's POV (continued)**

Three weeks.

Its been exactly three weeks since Tabitha left.

After Bobby's, we lost track of her completely. We noticed the books missing from his library, which means she officially knows a thing or two about a thing or two. Louis attempted his tracking spell a gazillion times, Sam wouldn't stop sticking his head in books and the computer screen, the demigods gave it everything they've got, the vampires and werewolves looked everywhere, our speed kid and arrow ass hunted high and low, the mermaid swam what felt like every ocean, the pirate and the prince took hostages, the shadowhunter attacked hundreds of demons, the desert dweller checked every place he could think of.

And as for myself...

Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking.

She is a hybrid of powers, so you'd think Lucifer would be more afraid. Sending representatives was a bit of a cocky move for him, especially since it gave us a chance to see what our opponents are like. They seem to be angered and offended easily, a bit like Tabs. She lost it when she saw who they were. Their true identities were a shock to us all. 

They had to have been somewhat afraid, despite their appearance. I could tell from little things, like how they quivered slightly when Tabby jumped at them, or again, their anger. Monsters like that don't usually get offensive over such small things.

And then there's her 'plan'.

It better be a damn good plan if it's leading her to leave us behind. I swear if anything happens to her, I'll lose it.

I'll absolutely lose it.

**Tabitha's POV**

"By the way," I spit, blood coming out with it. "You left your hair comb at my house last time you were there." And with that, I jam the knife straight through her jugular and out the back of her skull. "What a bitch." I mutter to myself while cleaning the knife off using her jacket. Her blood spills everywhere, making a mess. 

Friggen Lana was an absolute nightmare to kill. She had the most fighting experience of the four.

So, I crunched some numbers and made calculations the other week at Bobby's. I used the books to figure out stronger clocking spells, enchantments, etc. From there, I went deep into hiding.

I temporarily dyed my hair red, used fake contacts to make my eyes blue, and enchantments as well as runes to make the untrained eye see me as something else entirely.

In the Eastern Hemisphere, which was my first stop, I talked to many Shaw men, tribal leaders, and warriors across Africa to find spells for a weapon. This would make the weapon have the ability to give demons a one way ticket to Hell and save the host body. If the soul was gone, then the knife would have the power to bring it back. 

In the end, the demon would be the only loser. 

Surprisingly, it only took a week to gather enough lore about such enchantments.

From there, I used my calculations and the forensic tests I made of Lucy's representative's (aka my old friends) to find them. Taking the DNA test, I used my super speed abilities and a bit of force to search the major data bases for their entry into any of the four hemispheres. Knowing Lucy, he'd post them in big cites, and since there were four of them, it made sense to put them each in one hemisphere of the world. After successfully hunting each of them down, I killed them.

Of course, each of these killings took place after torture. I used the torture to get more information on Lucifer's war plans.

Turns out, he wants to hit me up first, and after that, he'll hit the world. And he plans on taking me out by using shear force, numbers, and a secrete weapon none of them would disclose to me.

By killing them, I took out his most trusted commanders. They did happen to tell me they were the only ones on his council, and that he refused to talk to or use any of the other monsters in the basement. I guess he doesn't want to risk mistakes by telling everyone his plan.

Now, well...

Now I'm on my way back to the time pocket where the boys are. With me, I also have my most crucial piece of information.

Lucifer's currently located in Pecos, Texas.

We have the chance to strike first. 


I'm at the front door, but I can't bring my feet to move further than that.

It's been three weeks, and they're probably worried sick about me. I knew that they'd want in on the plan, but I couldn't let them. If too many people were with me, one of those asshats would have noticed and gone squealing to Lucy; they plan would be ruined. I wouldn't have gotten the information that I did. Plus, I got the chance to master my witch skills. Likely, I could give Louis a run for his money now.

With a heavy sigh and a worried heart, I slowly shuffle towards the door.

There's no way I can open it, so I opt for the doorbell instead. It's deep sounding chime echoing in the house, I hear a single set of footsteps and then the cocking of a gun from behind the door.

Suddenly, all the chains and locks are being hurriedly ripped open until the door slams back and Sam appears, out of breath. His hair is disheveled and on his face he adorns stubble. The circles under his eyes have seen better days.

"Is it..." He trails unsure. "Is it really you?"

"It's me." I say with a small smile. "I'm sorry I worried yo-"

My words are cut off by the holy water being thrown at me. I spit some of it back out and wipe an annoyed hand over my face. "What the hell was that for?"

"No demons." He says with a shrug. "Arm." Sam motions with his hands while pulling a knife out from his jeans. The gray shirt had gone up, and my eyes got a peak at his toned stomach. 

"For the silver test?" I ask with a groan. "I'm not a shapeshifter!"

Reluctantly, I pass him the pale inside of my arm with a frown. I know he won't let me in until I've passed his tests.

Sam takes the knife and makes a slow cut as his eyebrows come together on his forehead. "It's really you?" He asks again.

"Really me, moose." I reply.

Sam stretches his long arms out and before I know what he's doing, they're crushing me in the tightest hug I think I've ever received.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asks angrily, nostrils flaring slightly. "You could've been killed, or tortured, or Lucifer could have gotten you-"

This time, it's my turn to cut him off by throwing my hand over his mouth, muffling his words. "Sam." I say seriously, looking him directly in the eye. "None of those things happened. I'm so sorry for all the pain I'm sure I put you guys through, but I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't necessary. I promise I'll explain everything when once everyone's here."

I keep my hand over his mouth as he nods. "Thank you, Sam." Slowly, I remove my hand, but he quickly grasps it his and pulls me into another hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." He says softly against my ear, holding me close. 

**A/N: Comment/vote/share/follow <3. Also, if you want a say on Tab's love interest, now's the time to speak up!** 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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