Chapter 1 - Bonfire Nights

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Authors Note

Hi Everybody I am finally back with a great new story to tell!

This story is called

18 and over.

This is a story about Hannah. I think you will love her just as much as I do.


Hannah Miller - Main Charter

Kim Williams - Best friend

Beth Williams - Best friend's sister

Ann Williams - Best friends Mother

Hank Williams - Best friends Father

Gale Miller - Mother

Dan Miller - Father


"Han we have to do that stupid freaking assignment tonight. I hate the fact that we have Trig as our last period!"Kim yells throwing her hands in the air

"Your sister could help us right? I mean she is like weirdly smart. Also who did you say was coming to pick us up?"I ask not sure if we were going to have to wait for a half an hour like last time.

 Kim has the tendency to not tell her parents if she wants them to come and fetch her.

"Mmm either my Mom or my Dad but definitely not both."She says grinning at me

"You sure are smart. What about Beth?"I ask seeing her shrug and sit on the floor taking out a lollipop

Nothing ever seemed to faze Kim , like at all or ever. She is the most relaxed person I know of course I am the one that has to know what the plan is. Exactly like my Mom in that way I guess.

"Hey is your Mom at the Hospital working late tonight?"Kim asks stretching out her legs

"Yeah she has important patients she has to tend to and a lot work paper work to do."I say waiting to hear Kim's not so subtle way of making me laugh . One of the things I loved about her.

She looks at me for a while then looks up at the sky "Hey at least she can buy you as much love as you want. Oh and another thing do you think she can buy me some love too. Coz my easy joe fridays are pretty worn out."She says with a toothy grin showing me her torn shoes.

"Easy joe friday shoes?"I ask questionably

"Yeah you know the shoes you always put on because they make you feel pretty .Well these aren't doing it anymore."She says pouting at her worn our shoes. At least they did look vintage and only Kim could pull of the homeless look I swear.

"Kim Hannah Banana jump."I hear Beths voice at the back of us

Kim quickly jumps up opening the back door of her sisters car smiling brightly knowing Beth would harass me with twenty questions

"Oh right Han I totally asked my sister to come and fetch us I completely forgot. Silly Kim."She says getting in the car as I shake my head and climb in in front .

"How was school?"Beth asks as me and Kim reply in Unison "Fine Mom."Making us giggle at each other

"Well I am so proud."She says taking out a cigarette lighting it and turning on her  radio where I hear a band I have never heard before. She sings softly along with the music driving us home.

"How was work?"I ask Beth as she parks her car outside the house

"It was bullshit through and through. Sarah is fucking everything up."She says fixing her hair

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