Chapter 16 - Hallowed out memories of you and I

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Hey guys So I tried a little something
 different with this chapter  and hopefully you will like it.
Expect to see more Fae and of course a lot of drama and even more

Hannah P.O.V

Nerves are literary taking over me. I have never been this anxious in all my life. Probably because Fae is coming with me to Kims birthday bash. We agreed to be friends and work our way up from there. I knew jumping into a relationship with her would just confuse me even more but if I am really honest with myself I don't really see a future with Beth. I just have to keep telling my heart that and keep putting out the flames of my heart when I burn up around her.

Fae and I have been seeing each other almost every day asking me to come to the hospital for lunch and except for seeing my mother I have to say it is very rewarding.

"Hannah are you okay?"She asks from the passenger seat

"Yes I am fine but thanks for asking."I smile

Making our final turn we come to their house and I look over to Fae wondering what people will think of her. Or what people will think we are. If they would think we are dating. I shouldn't care.

We walk inside together only to be greeted with a dark house with every party light you can imagine. It felt very hard to breathe but just as I turned to walk back outside I felt an arm tugg me into the madness.

"Just in time!"Kim yells over the madness pulling me in and whispering in my ear "Is that the hot red head...Holy shit I would bang her."Kim says giggling earning a punch on the shoulder for that little comment.

"Happy Birthday you weirdo hug me!"I instruct through chuckles as she hugs me tightly lifting me up a little.

"Thank you for coming Han I feel like I wouldn't have enjoyed this without you."She says winking

Kevin walks over to us hugging me instantly and greets me as friendly as ever and asks Kim to dance. I nod at them and walk into the kitchen the only place the madness seem to subside. When I realized that Fae wasn't with me I tried to look around to see where she was but it was next to impossible.

I decide to get myself a drink and poor me vodka and lime and suddenly feel someone touching me up my sides. I jump around and see Beth in short black shorts and a tight white tank top her hands on her hips as she looks me over a smile on her face.

"Hey Han its good to see you."She says hugging me tightly like she used to putting a smile on my face.

"Its great to see you too. This party is pretty intense who are all these people?"I ask watching her shrug just as clueless as I am.

"Kim apparently made a lot of friends in collage she is popular as heck. "Beth says rolling her eyes

"I hope they aren't better than me and take my best friend away."I say half joking half serious

"Nah you're different."Beth says taking my hand pulling me behind her

"Where are you taking me?"I ask feeling awfully tiny between all these taut sweaty guys. Not my fantasy maybe girls though.

"To dance it is a party you know."She says dropping my hand and starts dancing to an upbeat songs swaying her hips to the beat and her body moving perfectly and hella sexy to the beat. I tear my eyes away from her and start dancing without a care feeling my body do its own thing and yes Beths eyes landing on me. I had the feeling that I was playing with fire but right now I like the way she looked at me and I wanted to keep it up. My body starts moving faster and she steps closer putting her hand behind my back and she dance together our hips in sync and our faces inches away from each other but our eyes not meeting. I could her struggle to breath and as out of breath as I was there was no way I was stopping not when her hand clinged to my sides.

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