Chapter 15 - Slipping away

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Hey guys the new chapter is finally here
More of Beth Kim and Hannah right now!!

"Mom I am really not have this discussion with you."I say to my ever present mother looming over me. These weekly visits really do have there down side especially when she is going on and on trying her utmost to upset me.

"I just do not understand why you are leaving again? You were there only three months ago Hannah. There is nothing there for you anymore. If this is about Kim I told you we could fly her over with the little one and there would be no need for you to go there."My mother says calmly sipping on her cappuccino straightening out my bed.

"I want to see Misses Williams and Mister Williams as well its not about her mother I have told you this before. Please can we not argue about this because I am leaving. I will be back in a couple of days."I say packing the last of my clothes.

"Very well then here ."She says handing me a wad of cash ,she does this every time without fail. Looking at the notes I see more than three grand and slip the notes in my wallet.  I knew better than to refuse to take money from my mother.

"Thanks."I say smiling

Sometimes I just wish my mother knew how to actually function as a parent. I swear it felt like she played a different role each week. Sometimes she was the kind hearted and free spirited mom who wanted to drink cocktails with me and discuss girl stuff and other times..times like these she would rein in the over bearing over protective role and like now send mixed messages.

"You will be careful right?"She asks looking at me with a small smile

"NO I am going to drive off a cliff or run over an old lady."I say sarcastically before I could stop myself.

Mom puts her cup in the sink and kisses my cheek walking to my front door. Looking a little pissed. "Fae said you haven't called her yet?"Mom says half way out the door

"Mom she works with you-"

"You can hardly say she works with me she is a pediatric nurse."My mother says clearly insulted that I said they work together. Which they do but whatever.

"Whatever you say mom but like I told you before I am not ready. Not close to being ready actually."I say confession this more to myself than my mother

"Well she is a lovely girl a tad over friendly but a nice girl with a future and she is twenty three so she must be your type."My mother says grinning at her own attempt of making a joke.

"And with that I am off. I love you tell dad I'm sorry I couldn't come say goodbye."I say hugging my mother handing her the keys to my small little one bedroom apartment.


"Be careful?"I say as she nods smiling at me and I walk out of the apartment ready to hit the road.

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