Chapter 27 - Lets hear it for the girl

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Authors Note

Hey guys so I'm going to be uploading more regularly
 and the more comments I receive the faster the
uploads will be coming.

This chapter was just to say thank you for the
 support and hope you guys keep it coming




Hannah P.O.V

There was no ice cream. We were all out of ice cream it was horrible more than horrible it was dreadful, I had a nightmare about this and now it's happening I just didn't understand why it had to happen to me. I don't know how to handle it. I needed ice cream and I couldn't sleep anymore. I'm just laying in bed thinking of how Beth could've forgotten to get me ice cream. It's not like I ask for much I just ask for one silly thing and she forgets about it.

Looking over at her sleeping peacefully I put my hand on her face tickling her lips gentle seeing her swat randomly in the air. I smiled to myself feeling a bit evil and decided that a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. It was her own fault really..

Going throwing my bedside drawer I find a pen and turn on my side towards Beth. She looked so peaceful and beautiful really beautiful, but I still needed my ice cream.

Smiling I graze the pen slightly around her ear and quickly take it away as she starts stirring. Once she in relaxed I graze the pen on her collarbone and back up over her face. Grinning to myself I see her start waking up and I instantly throw the pen to my side and close my eyes pretending to still be asleep.

"Mmm.."She stirs and I feel her hands slip around me and her soft lips press against my neck "Morning Han."She smiles and I slowly open my eyes and stretch out yawning slightly

"Awhh what time is it? Morning baby."I smile meeting her lips smiling like a winner should smile. I was one step closer to my goal. I should just become an actress I'm pretty much a pro.

"Hold on let me check."She says rolling to her side grabbing her phone. She opened up an email and I starred at her bare back gliding my hand down her spine. She turned her head smiling at me looking strangely different as she puts her phone back and takes my hand in hers place my hand between her legs.

"9:00 am , I'm quickly going to jump in the shower and then I'll make you breakfast anything specific you want?"She aks tracing her finger tips over my lips still sounding half asleep and beautiful as ever in her husky voice and I nod feeling slightly paralyze by her intense stare. I wonder if ever I would stop getting turned on by these little thing? Somehow I doubted it and loved knowing that.

Just like the tease I am I  slowly trace my hand higher up on her leg watching her eyes turn darker and she smiles biting her lip slightly looking at mine."Anything I want?"I say as seductively as possible. I was getting good at this..

She nods silently putting her hand on mine slipping me higher and closing her eyes with a glorious smile on her lips. I had her where I wanted her to say the least..Now for the kill shot

"I was thinking maybe Ice cream.."I said slowly biting her lip and heard her giggle realizing that she probably thought I meant something sexual and I pulled back from her a bit looking at her shyly..

Her eyes find mine and after a while she mouths 'oh' and rolls her eyes "You mean you actually want ice cream don't you?"She says sadly and I nod trying to suppress my laughter. She grabbed my cheeks shaking her head kisses down on me hard pushing her body slightly against me and as I opened my eyes feeling her lips off of mine I see her climbing out of bed throwing a sheet around herself fanning her face smiling at me looking embarrassed.

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