▽ ' akutagawaryunosuke

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This is for HarukaTomoe YAS YOU XD  Because i know you li-love Akutagawa bby so hope you like this~

**im still on process of editing some grammatical errors :> so ples bear with my rudeness and I'm sorry not sorry //author san was a bit stupid before**

What a lovely day, as you wake up with a excitement feeling well it because your best friend yes, your best friend Gin agree to have a day with you. Its not like you want to be with him but you want to see her brother, her brother Akutagawa Ryūnosuke

You admired Akutagawa because he is so handsome and always charm. And you just don't like his face (lol) of course you love his cold personality. And how you almost die when he talk to you.

" (Your name) how long are you gonna stand there?" Gin asked as she stare at you (let gin speak i know she doesn't speak) " Okay, gezz let me enjoy a little." You said as you walk closer to her.

After a minute walking because Gin house is so far so the two of you have a little bestie chat. " so (your name) you didn't tell me about him." she said with a tease tone. You blush " him? Who?" you asked avoiding something because you know who is she talking about. " who? Don't joke around (Your name) i know you know who is he." she said as she look stared at you. " w-what?" you look really nervous. She sigh " (your name) its obvious you like my brother ." She said and you freak out "wahh please don't kill me" you said and close your eyes. " i won't (your name) and i think brother will like you." She said and smiled at you and gives you a soft pat on your head (Gin-senpai)

Oh as the two of you reach Gin house and she said you can rest in the sofa. Well guess who is feeling at home? Yes its you. You close your eyes and after a few minutes you wake up and notice Gin was there sitting " oh so your awake let's eat." She said and stand up

Walking through the dining room and sit you saw Gin preparing everything and then she suddenly called Akutagawa, gosh how nervous you are. After a second you heard a footstep and then a head pop (hahaha lol sorry xD) guess who is it? yes its Akutagawa with his casual clothes. How hot he is, he is wearing a glasses and then stare at you.

" (your name) right?" He asked. " y-yes" you replied with a nervous tone . "No need to be shy (Your name) ." Gin said.

After eating you clean the table and Gin wash the dishes. You walk through the garden and sigh, you can't believe you act weirdo " oh man what is happening~" you sigh and sit in a near chair. "Whats the problem (Your name)?" you turn around and see Akutagawa, he walk closer to you and sit next to you " so tell me, you have a problem?" He asked " well ... Will you listen?" You curiously asked. He just stare at you and you take a deep breath

" i know you will reject me but i think i need to tell you this.. Uhnmm i..i like you, i-its okay if you don't l-like me b-because i j-just want you to know..y-you know." You said as you look down then a cold slender finger touch your chin " who said i will reject you?" You stared at him and a few second you didn't notice and realize his lips touchs yours.

" I love you (Your name)." he said


Oh i'm so tired. I know its not pretty but this is my thank you for loving Akutagawa lol xD I'm donee

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