▽ ' chuyanakahara

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Hey guys! Lmao so i want to share with you guys my Twitter so that you can or we can make fun of each other @Akutagawawaaa so- okay enjoy


Waking up hearing a loud annoying voice of Dazai is seriously the worst day of your life. Yoy stand up and get your samurai and kick the door of Dazai " WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU !? ITS DAMN 5AM IN THE MORNING ! CAN YOU-" you were stop and saw a unfamiliar face . " oya oya i'm sorry (your name)-chan but my former partner is here but i think he just miss me so much~." he said holding your hands and the boy glared at him. "Its fine " you sigh and put down your samurai down and look at the boy " Who are you?" you asked him the boy was shock " Chuuya~ ohhh~ my~ are you shy ?~ i know (your name) is pretty but you can't have her~" Dazai said with a teasing tone .

"Oi! Shut up!" he said trying to hide his blushing face. You smiled and walk closer " Nee~ Chuuya-kun what me to teach you how to treat a lady?" You asked with a fake innocent face. Chuuya blush and was speechless. " I don't know.." He answered hiding his blushing face.

You sigh and open your door went back to your bed and sleep. "What was that?~ (Your name)-chan~ why are you sleeping?~ " the annoying Dazai asked " WELL ITS FREAKING 5AM IN THE MORNING AND I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING SO GOODBYE !"

After a hour ago, you were practicing your skill with your samurai and you stop as you saw Chuuya walking alone. You walk closer to him and pat his shoulder "boo~" you whispered to his ear makes him shock and turn around. " erkk! Wah-what are you doing?" He was blushing so hard. " nothing hehehe.. What are you doing? Walking alone oww so bad what me to join you?" You asked with a smiled. He just nob his head you happily walk next to him.

The two of you talk alot then the two of you reach your house. " want to have some tea?" You asked " s-sure.." He answered and you smile at his cute reaction.

That day you know Chuuya is a nice guys as your stupid friend Dazai always talk about him so many times.


Lmao i forgot to update but lol heyyyy

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