Chapter 3

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-Harry's Point of View-
It's now 6:30 in the afternoon and I'm freaking out. In half an hour I will meet Taylor, my future wife. I'm dressed in a red stripped suit with my hair down, it's a little long and my mother keeps telling me to cut it but I like it.

"Hey Harry are you ready to go?" Liam asks

"Yeah let me just finish my hair and we'll leave"

We are sat by the windows of the formal dinning room, I'm all jittery and nervous but Liam sends me an assuring smile. It's almost seven and my hands are sweating I really want this meet to go well or Robin will scold me. As I'm having a conversation with Liam I remember I forgot the necklace I start to panic but I'm interrupted by Robin. "Son here she comes, get up and greet her" he says. I look up and see a tall blond she's skinny and has a bad vibe. Her eyes are blue, they're as cold as ice. I can't judge her yet but by the way she looked at the waiter who took her coat I can tell she's like my mother. I pull the chair out for her and introduce myself. She returns my greeting and begins to look at the menu. Maybe she's hungry I think. Liam looks at me with a confused state. "She's probably nervous" I mouth, he nods and picks up his menu.  We start to make small talk and order our meals, she orders a salad (how boring) and I order the chicken Alfredo.

"So Taylor how are  you enjoying the cruise so far?" Robin asks

"It's beautiful but I did notice that there was quite a few kids running around"

"You don't like kids?" I find myself asking

"Oh No they're messy and loud, I much rather see them from afar"she responds

I'm shocked at her answer, how can she not like kids, will she ever want some of her own, will she change her mind in a few years? I can't stop wondering but my thoughts are stopped when my waiter comes with meal. I thank him and we all begin to feast. By the end of the I have concluded that I don't like her, I can't see a future with her. I've never been one to judge by looks but she's just not my type, she's a walking stick and her face has so much make up on that I know it must of taken an hour to put that much on. "It was nice to meet you" I tell her with no actual emotion behind my words,  "You as well" she replies

"So that went well" my mother says, after her departure

"She seems like a lovely young lady" Robin continues

"Are you kidding shes as interesting as vanilla ice cream" Liam replies back

I laugh at his comment which earns me a glare from my mother. "Don't say that about her she's probably just nervous is all" she says

"If you'll excuse me I'll be going for a walk around the top deck" I cut in before an argument takes place

"I'll come with"

"No it's okay I'll just meet you back in our room in an hour or so." I tell Liam

I exit the dinning room and make my way upstairs. It's almost 10 and I know I'll be there for a while.

-Louis's Point of View-
I'm startled awake by someone jumping on top of me. It's Niall. "Hey dude wake up its night time we can go upstairs now" he yells, excitement present in his voice. "Okay okay I'm up just give me a sec" I say.

We both put on our best outfits and begin our long walk to the top floor. The elevator scares me so we take the stairs. As we arrive at the top floor I take notice how fancy everyone is. Women are wearing expensive dresses and men have tuxedos on. I don't know why though it's not a gala they're just making conversation. Niall begins to lead me toward the food table, "we aren't allowed to eat their food" I inform him "I know but the staff doesn't know as yet so they won't know otherwise" I nod and we begin eating.

After 30min of stuffing our faces with food I throw away my plate. I'm full, I've never been full before and it feels weird but Niall seems to be enjoying it, he hasn't stopped yet and I doubt he will anytime soon. "Hey Niall I don't feel so good in going to go get fresh air" "yeah no problem dude I'll be here" he says

I walk out to the deck but find it to be occupied by a lot of guest and my stomach is churning. I know I'll throw up soon so I quickly walk towards the top deck were I know there's no one there. It's dark  up here and the only light is coming from the moon and stars. Before I can continue to admire the view I find myself vomiting my dinner.  After 3min of puking I relax onto a chair.

"Are you okay?" The voice startles me, it's deep and soothing.I thought I was alone up here. I don't answer them, I can't see anyone but I can hear them breathing.

"Hello?" The mystery voice asks

"Um Hi" I say back

"Are you okay?" He asks again

"Yeah I'm fine" I answer

He doesn't respond back but instead follows the sound of my voice. I make out a tall, lean figure with broad shoulders and curls? He gets closer and closer until we are just three feet apart, he's gorgeous. He has beautiful green eyes that remind me of emeralds.

"Um hello there didn't mean to scare you" he says

His voice brings me out of my thoughts "oh no it's okay I was just not expecting anyone up here is all" there's silence afterwards, it's not awkward silence it's peaceful.

-Harry's Point of View-
I'm looking out at the ocean when I hear footsteps approach, at first I think it's Liam looking for me but then I see a small figure walk towards the edge of the boat. He stops and looks up at the sky but before I can make myself known he starts vomiting. I want to do something but I just stand there and wait for him to finish. He's quite small, he has to be on his tippy toes to be able to throw up over the edge. After what seems like ages he's done, he slouches onto a nearby chair and breathes out.

"Are you okay?" I find myself asking. I can see him stiffen when he hears me. He says nothing so I ask again. "Hello?" I say. He says nothing at first but then I hear a small "um hi" come out from the darkness. "Are you okay?" I ask again. "Yeah I'm fine" he responds and his voice is so dainty, I'm dying to know how this mysterious person looks like.

I start to walk towards the voice, it's dark but I can make out his face. He has a button nose and a fringe. His eyes are the color of the diamonds on the necklace my mother bought for Taylor, they're blue but not like hers they're not cold but warm.

"Um hello there didn't mean to scare you" I say

"Oh no it's okay I was just not expecting anyone up here is all" he says, I can't help but smile at his voice.

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