Chapter 6

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-Harry's POV-
I always believed my parents had their best intentions for me, that they loved me and wanted nothing but the absolute best for their only son but boy was I wrong. Why would they think it was okay to force me into a marriage, couldn't they see Taylor and I were not meant to be. That her and I were as compatible as ketchup and ice cream or pizza and pudding, we just weren't a good match yet they didn't care for as long as they had money how could they pass the offer. It's times like this that I wonder what it would of been like to grow up with a family that wasn't high maintenance and greedy, a family that cared more about how your day was than how much money you made or what new and utterly useless expensive thing you bought. I'm grateful that I never had to worry about money growing up, that anything I needed and wanted was always in arms reach but looking back at my life the only thing that brought true happiness was Liam. As kids we would hang out and play with our imagination rather than the millions of toys we had, he was truly the only person worth talking too, him and a blue eyed petite boy that my mind can't seem to forget.

Was I gay? did I want to get to know him as a friend or maybe as something more?
My whole life I was raised to believe that being homosexual was a sin, that one could not enter heavens gate if they admitted to such thing but i don't think it's a choice, I can't choose who to have feelings for, if I could I would choose Taylor to make my parents proud but my heart tells me that I'm more interested in the male sex than the female. It's not just any male it's a certain caramel haired small boy that has eyes  the color of the sea and cheekbones as sharp as a dagger. He has some features of a women, like his hips, thighs, certain facial features and his bum. Women around me have always been thin and stick like and never had a bum to show but he does. I wonder where he is, what he's doing and most importantly is he gay?

-Louis's POV-
I never thought being a waiter would be so tiring, people here are just so demanding and need perfection, it's not that I don't work hard but they complain about the smallest of stuff, can't they see how lucky they are to have food to eat, there's people out there struggling to find descend food while they whine about what seasonings were used. It's weird to me that the ones who have the most complain the most, that the lucky ones are the ungrateful ones.

"Hey Louis ready to go?"niall says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah let me just wash my hands and we'll go"

You see me and Niall have become quite close, he and I have the same shifts and share a bedroom so it's no surprise that he has become like a brother to me.
We've only had to the breakfast, brunch and lunch shifts so far neither of us have been given the burden of the dinner fiasco. It is a well known fact that dinner is the worst shift of all, that people are ten times worse at night than any other time of the day. They dress nicer, chat for longer and are more demanding at night. I don't know why but regardless of it we're both glad that they need the more patient and mature waiters at that time and wouldn't put us in that shift unless it was necessary.

As we're making our way back to our room we are stopped by our boss "hey boys hold on a sec" he tells us "yes sir, did you need something?" Niall answers back "you're off lunch duty and are scheduled for the dinner shift tomorrow" "But sir aren't the other older waiters in charge of that shift?" I ask "well yes but last night it seemed that we were under staffed and people were complaining too much so you'll both have to come in tomorrow in order to prevent that from happening again" "okay sir then it's no problem" I respond, while he walks back to the kitchen to check on everyone else.

"Well that's great now we're gonna have to do the night shift tomorrow" I mumble

"Damn mate we were gonna go to the staff party downstairs at that time" Niall whines

"Well I'm sure knowing the guys the party we'll be going on till breakfast"

-later that day-
Me and Niall are roaming around the bottom floors, we're making small talk to passing passengers that seem to be in third class. They're nice, they talk to us like we're people and not just some slaves there to fulfill their every need. I'm not bitter towards the upper class I'm just upset about how they treat others, my family has always struggled financially and we looked the part too, barely having food to eat and not having decent clothes on our backs. While my father worked all day and my mom took care of my siblings I would buff shoes and deliver the news paper. As I would clean their shoes they would look at me like I was the gum they had stepped on. It was irritating to be treated like that and I could tell my parents hated the way I was affected by it but after years of being treated like nothing I decided that I wasn't going to let it affect me that I would stand tall with my chin high. After that I just became me and didn't let anyone tell me other wise. I was never the macho guy, I was quite small but i never let it bother me. I couldn't let it bother me because that was something that would never change and there's no point in stressing about something that can't be altered so I ignored the comments and the hate to prevent altercations that would get me in jail.

Filler chapter but guys it's about to go uphill from here

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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