Chapter 4

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-Harry's POV-
There's silence for a couple minutes and it isn't awkward, it's nice.
I decide that I want to get to know this
person so I speak up "so... um are you alright?" I ask again, I would of said something else but I'm too nervous to concentrate.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine I just ate something bad" his voice is high and his accent is truly beautiful. I don't know why he makes me nervous, his presence is just different not a bad different but good. He stands up and I can tell he's short, the top of his head comes to my shoulders. I find it endearing.

"Do you feel better?" I ask

"I do now" he responds. I chuckle and offer him some gum. He accepts it and starts to bounce from one foot to the other like he's nervous.

"Why are you up here?" He asks

"Just wanted some fresh air I guess"

"Why up here? There's a lot of fresh air around the boat, I mean we are on the ocean so just step outside and you'll find some, not that it's bad that you're up here or anything..." He rambles but I cut him off

"No I know I just wanted to be alone" I respond

"Oh, why?"


"Any particular reason? Wait no sorry I don't mean to pry on your business, you don't have to answer if you don't want to" he says

I laugh at his awkwardness. "It's fine really, it's just my parents really"

"Oh okay...sorry to have bothered your alone time I'll just go than"

"No, no it fine you can stay!" I find myself saying

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I mean you are a passenger here so you have as much right to be here as I do"

"Oh... Yeah yeah sure" he says, seeming unsure of himself

-Louis's POV-
What! Why did I say that? I'm not a passenger I'm a waiter but I can't tell him that now, he'll wonder why I lied and I can't even answer that myself. Do I like him? I mean he is cute and seems nice but he's a freaking passenger meaning that he's rich and I'm not. Before I can overthink his voice breaks my thoughts.

"So where are you heading?" He asks

"Heading?" I ask

"Yeah like where is the boat dropping you off?"

"Oh right... Nowhere in particular just where the waves decide to drop me off I guess. What about you?" I answer

"Going to states and then back, not much to it"

"Not much to it? That's more than a lot of people can say you know"

"You're right I'm just not very excited to go"

"Whys that?"I ask

"I don't know" he replies, looking down as he does. He seems upset like he's being forced to go. there's silence again and all I can hear is distant chatter and the waves crashing on the side of the boat.

A Drop in the OceanWhere stories live. Discover now