3- New home

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"Okay (y/n)," "mom" says in her car, she turns to face me. "My name is Samantha. And my fiance's name is Alfred. You can choose what to call us, Mom or Dad, or Samantha and Alfred."
My "dad" nods.

"I'll just call you guys by your first name for now, until I get used to being here." I give a smile as they nod.

All I can think about is him, if I can ever see him again. I sigh and rest my head on the backseat's window.

"Hey Sam?"

"What school am I going to?"

"You are going to Western Pines High School. Home of the hedgehogs!*"

"Alright." I sigh deeply. I think they noticed because Sam turned to face me again with a questioning look. "Sorry, thinking."

"About James?"

Alfred stops at a stoplight and looks at me very weirdly. Maybe he's one of those overprotective dad's?

"Yep." I grin.

(Time skip)

I fell asleep in the car. When I awoke, we were pulling into a driveway. As soon as they parked, I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. Before stood me was a humongous house. Maybe they were rich. I squealed.

It's been a long time since I've done that.

(Aparri's POV) -Do you guys care if I change povs?-

After (Y/n) left, I had been a complete mess. I wouldn't play Animal Jam, I wouldn't record a video, I wouldn't even talk to anyone; not even Miss Matthews.

People in the Orphanage were getting worried. And by people i mean Miss Matthews.

I think I may of had a small crush on her. Even though I knew one day that she would probably leave. I decide to check my YouTube comments, reply to a few, delete a few.
ThatRandomAJPlayer- where have u been its been days
>Hey yeah sorry personal things are going on right now.
o- get off YouTube
^Comment Deleted.
Penguinssss AJ- Hi Aparri Ilusm PLZZZZ REPLY!!!!!!!
>Hi love ya too!!
I sit my computer down and sigh.
"Yeah Sar?"
"You haven't talked since (Y/n) left, are you ok?" It's true, I really haven't talked since she left. Let alone eaten.
Is this what it feels like to be lonely?
"Well Matthews was wanting me to give this to you.." she takes a piece of paper out from behind her and hands it to me. She smiles softly, then exits the room.
It was a beautifully drawn picture of my main Animal Jam wolf.
I look around my room, it was gorgeous. (F/c) walls with a tint of (other f/color). I jump onto my soft, starred-theme (You can change it if you'd like) bedding. I absolutely love this!
"(Y/n)!" Sam calls from downstairs. I quickly walk down the stairwell, into the living room where my 'parents' are sitting on the couch with a few boxes beside them.
"(Y/n), to welcome you, we decide to let you adapt a little. So we got you an iPhone 6, Dell laptop, and $100 iTunes gift card."
"You bought all this stuff... for me?" I was literally happy. I never had any of this stuff.
"Well of course! You are the only child here!" Alfred says grinning.
"Thank you all so much!!" I say and squeal, then hug them.
I'm probably grinning like an idiot right now.
I take the boxes and go in the direction of my room.
(mini timeskip)
The very first thing I did was make a Google account. I found out how the electronics work very easily.
I decided to name my Google name (Y/n) (L/n). I wasn't planning on making any videos, so why name it something special?
Once I got access to the wonders of Google, I immediately search up 'Aparri'. Sure enough, his channel is the first thing that pops up, along with ads but no one cares about those. I click on it and subscribe. Well, nice to see he's successful. But, his last video was a week ago. Surely James would've made a new one by yesterday.. I scroll through the comments of his last video. He replied to one. (It was the one from his pov) Personal issues? What kind of personal issues?
I don't know why, but hearing his voice made me tear up.
I really miss him, but should I let him know I'm okay now, or later?
Maybe later won't hurt, I mean, a girl's gotta eat.


*I don't know if that's an actual school

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