8- Heartbroken

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  A few days passed by and  I was actually quite happy with Fred. 

But the only downside was I didn't talk to James.

Fred forbidded it.

Why I listened to him? 

 I don't know.

"Hey Y/n!" Fred calls over to me as Im walking home. 


"Yeah? Is this some sick joke?" He asks, laughing.


"Well I have to talk to you, it's about James."

This caught my heart; making it stop.

"Y-yeah?" I cough.

"I don't think you two should talk anymore."

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know-" he scratches the back of his head. "I just-"

"Whatever. It's fine."

I didn't see James that day that we were going to meet.


*Hey James. I don't think we can talk anymore.

*why do you say that??

*I got a boyfriend, and he's forbidding it. See you later.

My heart snapped.


I just realized how hot aparri is and i just got a boyfriend lmao

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