Chapter 3: Settling In

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"Apollo, what's wrong with me entering a singing competition with Athena and Hera?" I asked.

"Nothing. I mean, we'll, are you sure that they can sing?" He asked me. I stared at him, confused.

"They're the ones who got me into music." Percy bent down to my height and read the flyer for the competition.

"Artemis, it says that you need a band to enter. Do you have a band?" Percy asked.

"Of course I do. I'm lead singer. Athena and Hera are backup singers, Dad is bass, you're guitar, Mom is keyboard, and gramps is drums." I said.

"Dad? Mom? Gramps?! You want Zeus, Leto, and KRONOS to help you with this?!" Apollo shrieked. I looked at Percy, who gestured for me to tell Apollo.

"No, stupid. I don't want Zeus, Leto, and Kronos helping me with this. I want Uranus, Gaea, and Kronos helping me with this." I filled out the rest of the form and submitted it, ignoring my brother's stuttering. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

That first night, Percy and I were locked in our room, which had soundproof walls. The next morning, as Percy was brushing my waist-length, wavy, auburn hair, an Iris-Message appeared. It was Thalia.

"Artemis, the hunters are growing restless without you!" She gasped, with the yells of the hunters in the background.

"Summon them. I will talk to them from here," I said, my voice wavering. She blew my silver hunting horn, the hunters gathered around us in a matter of seconds. At the sight of them, my eyes filled with tears. Percy, somehow sensing them, leaned forward.

"Artemis, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. I can tell them for you," Percy whispered in my ear.

"No. I need to do this myself. I owe that much to them," I replied. I faced the immortal maidens as tears began leaking out of my eyes. Percy reached down and wiped them away, before kissing the top of my head. "A while ago, I left Olympus, and Thalia was made goddess of Hunt, moon, Chastity, and maidens. I gave up my immortality for a different life. That was my decision, and while it affected all of you greatly, had nothing to do with you. Please follow Thalia just as you would follow me. Now, I'm just a mortal. My name is Diana Olympia," I said weakly, before swiping through the message. After the message disappeared, tears fell down my face quickly. Percy gently picked me up and laid me down on the bed.

"Artemis, that was amazing," Percy said, rubbing his hand up and down my back as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Percy, you don't know how hard that was for me," I chocked out, sobs filling my throat.

"I do, Artemis. I do," he said, pausing. I looked up at him though a haze of tears.

"Percy, I just severed the last tie I had to my past, to my family. Now, I don't know who I am," I choked out, shoving my face on a pillow. Percy began braiding my hair, before pining it up so it wouldn't get in the way.

"Arty, I know who you are. You are a strong, confident, young woman who can do anything she puts her mind to. And I know that didn't change when you gave up your immortality," he said, sitting down next to me and rubbing my back. He pulled me into his arms as I sobbed onto his shoulder, letting out everything I had been holding in. Finally, I pulled back.

"Thanks, Percy. I'm going to go shower now," I said, standing up and heading to the bathroom. After I showered, I ate breakfast. For the rest of the day, Percy and I watched old movies on the couch.

Artemis Jackson, mortal wife of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now