Part One: Kukiko

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                         ONE YEAR AND 10 MONTHS LATER: GRADUATION DAY

"Wah~ My baby girl is a genin now! I'm so proud of you Snow!" Aiya was holding Kukiko in her arms but Kukiko was flailing hers, trying to get out of her mothers grip.

"Okāsan!" She whined before getting pulled out of her mothers strong arms. She glanced up at her brother like figure, Eiji, who also had a proud grin on his face.

"Be glad she isn't squeezing you to death like when I became a Jounin." He pointed at his vest, practically showing it off for the world to see.

Kukiko stuck her tongue out at the older male and crossed her arms. "You aren't as cool as Kohana-chan though. She's one of those special Jounin unlike you, you have to babysit nagging genin that can't even fight."

A irk mark appeared on his forehead and his eyes turned into white dishes. "Oi you little-" Before Eiji finished his sentence, the girl ran off to find her only friend in the village.

Even though it's been almost two years since the incident, not many kids wanted to be her friend, more like they tried to avoid her at every cost. The only one who looked passed her being the demigod sacrifice was Hyousuke- and that actually surprised everyone since she broke his arm during the attack. But after weeks of the incident, he began eating lunch with her everyday, sharing bentos and spending their free time talking about what they enjoyed and what they wanted to do in the mere future.

She remembered that day like it was just yesterday.

Hyousuke was actually pretty popular with kids around the village like his older cousin Maru. His pale forest green eyes sparkled whenever he talked about his dreams and he always had a cheesy grin on his face when he tries to make Kukiko laugh with his dumb jokes. The only difference between her and him was that he brighten up everyone's mood while she makes everyone wish they didn't know her. Kukiko always seems gloomy in school and doesn't bother trying to make friends and Hyousuke hasn't forced it on her that she should.

She honestly just accepts Hyousuke as it is and no one else. But now that they graduated she was afraid she wouldn't be able to see him as much anymore.

When she spotted the blonde mess of hair from afar, she immediately recognized it as her best friend; Hyousuke Akiyama. Kukiko was a few months older than him and the age difference set perfectly for their personalities. He acts like a childish six year old while Kukiko acts like a fifty year old grandma trying to control her hyper grandchild.

"Ne Hyousuke-kun, look!" Kukiko jumped on his back and he stumbled a bit but immediately grabbed at her legs so she wouldn't fall.

"Eh?! You passed too?" He glanced at her forehead protector that was loosely tied around her neck.

"Yep it was pretty easy." She continued speaking on how she got her headband as Hyousuke began walking, still carrying her on his back. "Making water clones, seriously. That's the easiest jutsu ever, they really need to step up their game unless they want weak genin."

Hyousuke sweat dropped, "Just because you have an advantage doesn't make you the strongest genin who graduated Kiko-chan."

She frowned, "What's that suppose to mean, baka." She wrapped her arm around his neck, slightly pressing but not hard enough to choke him, at least not at the moment.

"You know what I mean! Your parents are pretty top class am I right? Plus they are pretty close to the Village Leader which means you get special treatment and he trains you. It's not everyday the Head Leader of a small village like ours takes time to train some kid in the village. Especially when they aren't no where near related."

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