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     BLEH this is behind schedule, ehh. I'm trying. High school is very tiring, especially when your in marching band and have games every Friday.

But a promise is a promise! Here's the Prologue, Rewritten version of I'll Kill Ya! will be up on Thursday!



                     It was cold snowy day in Yukigakure. In a small remote village, there was villagers awaiting for the news of a family's newborn. They were all excited to see a new child being born after exactly twelve years, on this specific day, and since its been twelve years, the new child will be the holder of the Kitsune God. The old prophecy was known by everyone and was recited everyday. Every twelve years, a new born shall be born and shall contain the Kitsune God to keep him from destroying our village. Of course the parents were not okay with this, but as soon as their own child was named the new holder of the demigod, they immediately started pampering the child to keep it happy.

They didn't want to upset the child or the seal would break and hell would start. It was a sad moment for the mother who was now giving birth, she didn't want to give her child away to some 'God'.

"Aiya the transfer is about to be made, what is the child's name?" Head Leader Imayoshi asked, his eyes filled with sadness. He didn't like the prophecy either, and he knew what was to become of the child over the years. The child will become shunned to the real world and treated 'respectively' just to keep her happy.

Aiya eyes dulled over, the brightness not there anymore. "Just... Kukiko..." Aiya smiled as tears fell down her face. "It's a rare snow day, she was born in a very bad snow storm month. So I wanted to name her after snow."

"Alright then, Isao will make the transfer." Isao was Aiya husband, his chestnut brown hair was cut short and his bangs covered his wet eyes. He didn't want to complete the transfer to his new born daughter, but it was for the sake of the village.

Aiya handed Isao their child and placed her on a bed. On the bed next to her was a young boy, about eleven years old. The transfer had to be completed before the holder turned twelve so the demigod wouldn't take full control over their body and destroy the village. Isao had Eiji, the young boy, strapped down so he wouldn't move. The process was painful and he had to do it quickly. He slowly placed his hand above the broken seal and pulled back, careful to not let the demigod go. He had a hold of him and he turned to the timid girl in the corner. "Kohana! I need you to open up Kukiko mind so I can place the Kitsune inside!"

Kohana jumped and nervously placed both of her hands above the infant forehead. "I'm sorry..." Kohana hands turned purple as well and she opened up a cage into Kukiko mind. Kukiko was only a infant, so the pain was unbearable. Aiya couldn't watch so she turned away and sobbed into the pillow.

The demigod roared as he got removed from the young boys' body. Isao was sweating a bit as he calmly placed the creature into the newly made cage in Kukiko mind. Kohana quickly closed the gate and placed it at the very back of her mind so it wouldn't disturb Kukiko thoughts at a young age.

Isao sighed and let out that breath he didn't know he was holding. His chakra slowly turned back to blue and then went away, the same with Kohana.

Aiya quickly got out of the bed and picked up Kukiko. She was sound asleep in her arms, Aiya gave a short laugh but cut it short when she noticed her small patch of hair was turning white. "Why.. Why is her hair turning white?" Aiya was a bit frighten that her hair, which was once a nice chestnut brown, was turning white.

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