Marry Me- A One Shot

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I actually wrote a story a while back, and this was a piece of it. I didn't publish it or anything and it's just been sitting there. Well, I finally read through it and I realized I really like this part and I decided to publish it on here because I haven't updated and I needed to so...HERE!! Your welcome? Actually, no- thank YOU for reading it, it means alot to me!! <3 Sorry if it's a bit long... not really, I just thought I would be polite but I'm actually not sorry because I'm proud of it

"Alright Diana, I'm leaving" I said as I grabbed my keys and waited for her to say something in return. I turned her way, only to find her in deep concentration on the computer.

"Diana!" I yelled, slightly laughing. Her head whipped towards me, smiling at me.

"What is it deary?"She said, her voice groggy. Diana was 65 years old and has worked in this hospital since . . . well forever. Her gray hair is a light color, but her eyes were as blue as the ocean. She acted like she was still in her twenties, which made all the younger people like her. Diana was just a nice, loving person in general.

"I'm heading out. My shift is done, okay? I will see you Monday "I said. She nodded her head and went back to looking at the screen. I chuckled softly and made my way to my car. It was a black, four door, 2014 Mazda 6 Sedan. She was a beauty. My boyfriend, Dean Flynn, gave it to me as a birthday present. I smiled at the thought of him. His brown tussled hair and his sparkling green eyes. The way his voice is deep and rough. Every time I hear him speak my name, all I want is to kiss him with every last breath I have.

I drove through the town of Savannah. I love living here. Its so beautiful. I pass by the Savannah river on my way home, and its just breath taking. I pull up to my family owned house and sit in my car, not bothering to get out or unbuckle my seat belt. I looked at my watch, only to groan as it was 9:50. I sighed. I was tired and I still had 2 hours before I got to go to sleep. I had to wash up real fast before Daniel came to pick me up for our date. It was our 5 year anniversary. I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it, but Daniel insisted we go out for dinner. I walk inside and see candles everywhere. I tensed up at the sight of roses on the ground, leading into the kitchen. I've seen movies that have things like this before. The girl follows the flowers, meets a murderer who is there to live out his 'fantasies'. And if the girl doesn't play along, she dies. My heartbeat quickens as I grab the baseball bat that I keep beside the door. I slowly walk through the hallways, towards the kitchen. I hear the faint sound of Ed Sheeran's "The A Team" . I took a deep breath and ran into the kitchen, swinging the bat towards the intruder.

"Alice! Alice! Its just me!" I heard the very familiar voice shout. I opened my eyes, just noticing I closed them. I saw Daniel, in a tux, crouched down to the ground, most likely trying to avoid being hit with the bat. I let out a deep breath and put the bat down. Daniel smiled as he pulled me in a hug.

"I thought you were a murderer, coming in to try a live out your fantasies with me!" I said, laughing. Daniel joined me, chuckling at the thought.

"Nope, just making dinner for my lovely girlfriend" he said, breaking the hug and kissing me on the cheek. I looked down at the table, just now recognizing the plates with food on them. It was a special 4 cheese pasta, my favorite, along with strawberry wine to drink.

"Thank you, but I thought we were going out" I said. He smiled to himself before coming behind me, placing his hands on my hips.

"I figured you would be tired. I mean, you've worked 6 days this week, who wouldn't be?" He said, swaying us back an forth. I "aww'd " slowly, looking up into his eyes.

"That's very sweet of you" I whispered. It was silence for just a moment, before I pulled him towards me and placed my mouth on his. My stomach churned and I felt my heart skip a beat( in the good way). I could feel him smiling into the kiss. He pulled away and sat his forehead on mine.

"Go change, sweetheart. I have something planned for this most special night"He said and I chuckled. I nodded and turned around to leave. Once I was upstairs, I strip off my work clothes, which was a green shirt and white pants. I looked through my closet, trying to find the right outfit. It was a few minutes before I decided on my red strapless dress. I slipped it on, along with my diamond earrings, and red high heels. I was putting on my lipstick when I heard Daniel from downstairs.

"Alice! Come on! I'm sure you look great" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and put mascara and eyeliner on. I walked down the stairs, listening to the combination of the sound of my heels hitting the floor, and a song that I didn't know the name of playing in the background. I walked into the kitchen, and Daniel's eyes immediately came to me. We both smiled at each other.

"Please sit" he said, pulling out my chair for me. I nodded towards him and sat down. He sat in front of me. We talked and ate for almost an hour. It was the best night I've had in a while. We haven't seen a lot of each other because I've been picking up extra shifts at the hospital. 

"Listen, Alice...there's something I want to ask you"He said, a little unsteadily. My uplifting smile flattened for half a second, before coming back again.

"Anything" I said. He stood up and came over to me, towering over me. He got down on one knee and pulled out a little black box. I gasped, putting my hand over my mouth. He let out a small laugh when I did.

"When I first saw you 5 years ago, I thought ' Wow, that girl is really pretty'. Then when I got to know you, I thought ' Wow, this girl is gorgeous'. Then we started dating, and I thought of you, nothing less than beautiful. Perfect." He said. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I gestured for him to continue on.

"After 5 years of totally letting myself go and putting so much faith and trust in each other, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Our relationship has been so much more than that, it's been love, my saving grace, and the best blessing I have ever been given. So now, Alice Winters, I ask of you to love me with all your heart as I do you with mine, and do me the greatest honor any man could have, and be my wife?" He asked. He opened up the small box, and in it was a ring. Three diamonds that sparkled just like his eyes. I was speechless, but I knew my answer. I have been preparing for this day since I was little.I had a speech ready and everything. Yet I sat there, unable to say anything for a moment. 

"It'd be a real ego boost if you would answer hun" Daniel whispered. I chuckled and stood up, taking in a deep breathe. He followed my actions and I raked my eyes over him once more before responding.

"Daniel Valentine, I would be honored" I said. A relieved grin broke out across his face and he snaked his arms around my waist, lifting me up. 

"Yes?! YES!! YES!!" He screamed and I laughed.  His lips captured mine and all I could focus on was the lemon-y taste of his mouth. I pulled away, making him pout. 

"Have you been eating lemon?" I asked.  He gave me a questioning look. 

"That's what you're thinking about right now? Really?" He pondered.  I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Sort of, yes, because last time I checked the only lemon-flavored things we have is MY ice pops" I told him, eyeing him. A guilty look flashed in his eyes and I knew he ate them. 

"Daniel!!" I hit his shoulder. He faked a hurt expression, but a small smile crept onto his lips. 

"I'm sorry, okay? I love you, though! And once we're married...I'll buy you all the lemon ice pops you want" He told me, kissing my cheek. 

"You better Mr. Valentine" I whispered. He hugged me tightly.

"I promise, Mrs.Valentine"


I'm happy with it, so...I hope you like it too, but it's okay if you dont. It's kind of cheesy. <3 <3 Till next time!!! 

Love, Jules

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