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Craig P.O.V
I woke up and noticed I wasn't in the living room and was on a comfortable bed. I quickly turned around when the door knocked. I stood up and opened the door to see Lui in his pajamas.

"Hey, Craig? Right, I wanna thank you for finding me and alerting Marcel and Nogla."

Lui spoke quietly and was rubbing his neck in embarrassment. I turned to my left and saw on the alarm clock that it was 3:27 AM.

" Come in. It pretty awkward  for you to be out in the hallway."

Lui nodded and stepped in. 

"So what are you doing up at this time? You're a morning person?"

Lui nodded and stared out the window. I went to him and stared as well.

"Isn't the sky beautiful? I wish I was a bird so I could fly high, Away from royalty duty."

"You're a prince?"

I asked in shock as Lui flinched from my reaction. He looked at me and gave me a nervous smile and rubbed his neck.

"Y-y-yeah. I'm the prince of Nature."

" So, Prince Lui? Is Whiteride your kingdom?"

I grinned when Lui face quickly turn red

"Don't tease me!"

Lui quietly yelled at me in a high squeaker voice before laughing. Lui then stops laughing and smiled at me.

" No, Whiteride is not my kingdom nor is it my kingdom territory. Terra is my hometown."

"Terra? I never head of a state or town called that."

"That because it a city in a realm"

"R-realm? So you-your-"

" an alien? No, no, no! I'm more like a wizard? No... Well.. I really don't know how to explain it but I'm not really anything spiritual."

"Hmm... So how did you get here if you're from Terra?"

"Well, it a long story."

"I have all day."

"Well, Terra is a town in my realm, Aekarion. When I was 16, I was assigned to marry a prince in which I didn't like. He may have been charming but really he was a jerk. Anyways one day, he proposes to me and I rejected him. He got angry and said if I didn't marry him, he would kill my family. I didn't believe him and told my guards to take him into the dungeon. He attacked the guards and teleported in dark purple flames. At night I told the knights to keep an eye on anyone who tries to enter my parent's room. The next day, I woke up and noticed I wasn't in my room. The atmosphere was different. It turns out I was teleported here by the sorcerer from my kingdom, Lorelei. "

Lui voice slowly started to crack and I gave him a hug. He returned the hug and cling onto my shirt and cried on my shoulder.

"Do you know what going on at Terra?"

" I have no clue. I tried to make contact with Lorelei but it won't work.Marcel and Nogla even suggested that they would go undercover to see if everything was alright but I would always refuse."

"Speaking of Marcel and Nogla. Are they from your realm?"

"Yes, but they come from different towns. Marcel from Ceraub and Nogla from Lutum."

"About Marcel... It seems like you guys have a very close relationship...is there something going on?"

Lui blushed very red and shook his hands.

"N-n-o! We-we-were just be-best friends!"


I smirked at Lui who's face grew more and more red as he messed around with his thumbs.

"Well...it more like I like him...."

"How did you guys meet?if you don't mind me asking all these questions? don't worry after this, you can ask me your questions, Deal?."

Lui smiled and nodded at my deal.

"Well, I meet Marcel and Nogla when I was 15. My family went to go and visit a royal family who lived in Ceraub, I wasn't able to go but with enough begging, I was on the carriage to Ceraub. I was so excited because, in my studies, Ceraub has a lot of fields, animals and beautiful rivers. Ceraub is a city that is filled with people who control the weather and earth. Marcel is the bender of Lightning and Nogla is the Bender of Earth. Anyways, When the royal family and mines greeted, I sorta got distracted by a fox and followed it. When I was following the fox, I heard a Grizzly bear yelling so I ran to where it was and saw Nogla. In Ceraub, there some magic plants that if harmed they shoot splinters at you and Nogla thought it was food and tried to eat it which lead him to have splinters on his mouth and nose. I started pulling out the splinters from Nogla which took me a long time because he keeps pulling away from me!"

Both I and Lui laughed as Lui tried to continue the story.

"A-Anyways...I was able to get the splinters out and Nogla thanked me. After that Marcel came in. Marcel and Nogla were childhood friends so Nogla was happy to see Him.Marcel thanked me for what I did for Nogla and noticed I was the Prince from Terra due to the crystal I had on my forehead. He tried to act really nice to me but I told him to stop.Shortly after he guided me out the forest just to get caught by one of the guards. Before I left Ceraub, I would always hang out with Marcel and Nogla, we were inseparable. On the day I had to leave, they followed me home which got me angry but Lorelei told me it was their duty to protect me."

"So there like your bodyguards?"

"Pretty much, they were also teleported with me but they were sent to a different location. We found each other by our powers. I sent signals using birds with a symbol on them, Nogla would send small little rocks that would have a paw print on them and Marcel would send small lighting bolts if we were near him. Anyways, enough about me, Tell me, Craig, Are you dating Tyler?"

He smirked when he noticed my face went red at that question.

'Why did I make that deal?'

"U-u-um, the same thing with you and Marcel, I like him.."

"Heh, don't worry, I'll help you out with Tyler.It will be our little secret."

Lui smiled and took out his pinkie and which I returned.

"Same with you, Lui."

The silence was interrupted when both of our stomachs growled and we laughed.

"Come on, Craig. Let get something to eat."

I nodded and went with Lui out the room and into the kitchen.


Welp, this story was just a short chapter and a little bit of Info of Lui, Marcel, and Nogla.

Just in case, if any one is confused about the whole realm idea.

I felt like I didn't want every character coming from the same area (A.K.A Whiteride/P.S Fake town).Some Characters will come from Realm(Spiritual, Holy, Darkness), Some might come from different dimensions/universe, Some might even come from different continents. 

Don't worry, the next chapter will most likely be fluff and some new character's introduction.

Ace signing out! My Ace warriors!

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