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Name: Akane Shoko


Date of Birth: July 25, 1998

Nationality: Japanese

Related to: Hiroki Shoko (Mother, State of condition: Alive), Rai Shoko (Father, State of condition: Deceased)

Eye color: Red-brownish

Medical Problems: When Angry or in her "Inferno" Mode, she tends to hallucinate which cause her to attack something or someone with a fake purpose.

Fear: Taphephobia- Fear of being in a coffin while alive or Claustrophobia in general

(Akane fear small spaces in general after playing a game in hiding and seek and wasn't found in 2 hours when her friends found her, she was locked in the closet, crying and scratch marks on the door. Akane don't fear the dead, grave, or graveyards but the thought of being in a coffin scares her.)


Combustion Inducement

Damage Amplification

Dark Fire Attacks

Dark Fire Combat

Dark Fire Constructs

Fire Manipulation

Firestorm Creation

Meteor Summoning (fire)

Pain Inducement

Ultimate Burning


Dark fire is volatile/destructive, causing harm to oneself/environment by accident is an ever-present danger.

What she gains in sheer power, she loses in versatility/fine control.





Gem: Sugilite, Location: Back

Weapon: Scythe Sword

Name: Alice Williams


Date of Birth: March 27, 1999

Nationality: American

Related to: Jacob Williams (Father, State of condition: Alive, Maria Williams (Mother, State of condition: Alive), Adam Williams(Older Brother, State of conditions: Unknown)

Eye color: Blue ( Eyes will look like an icy blue when in sunlight)

Medical Problems: None

Fear: Spectrophobia- Fear of ghost and phantoms (Alice fears ghost when she believed she saw her dolls floating in her old house. She doesn't fear dolls since she has a few in her house.)

Alice is a hybrid, she can control water but can control a few nature attacks. She has been practicing on her nature side.

Flower Manipulation

Flower Petal Manipulation

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