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I have those nightmares every night, I thought that now that I remembered everything they would go away, but they still happen. They seem to be trying to tell me something. I see Smile every night as well. I think my mind is telling me to find him. Even if its not what I'm going to do.
I put my legs off the side of the bed, slipping my slippers on, before getting out of bed. I walked out of my room and into the computer room that we have in the orphanage. I got on the internet and searched 'Ciel Phantomhive'. There was a bunch of crap that came up. But one website stood out. It was for the orphanage around the corner. He has been around the corner this whole time. I had no idea. 'I have to see him'
I ran back to my room and got dressed. I quickly put my shoes on and ran out the front door. I ran around the block and came up to the rather large white building. It had a water fountain with four benches surrounding it. I walked up to the fountain as I saw his familiar blue hair. I began to tear up.
"Smile?" I asked, causing the boy to turn around.
"Doll?" He remembers.
I ran up to him and jumped in his arms. I have been waiting for this moment forever. I felt him flinch a bit, but then he hugged me back. That made me very happy. I couldn't believe that it was this easy to find the person I used to love so much.
"I missed you" I said, crying into his jacket.
"As did I" he responded, "I'm sorry"
"For what?" I asked.
"Killing the ones you loved" he said. I started crying harder and he held me tighter.
"Thank you" I said.
"What for?" He asked really confused.
"For ending my pain" I added, "Ciel...I don't want to stay here anymore"
"Want to run away together?" He asked, "I heard there is a circus looking for a young ringmaster and tightrope walker."
"Then what are we waiting for?" and with that we both went home to pack our things.

Falling For My Old Love (CielxDoll)Where stories live. Discover now