You Are, My Love

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Doll's prov. 

I wake up the next morning to see Ciel laying on my chest, my heart starts pounding and I blush deeply.

'Oh my, did I actually sleep with him? Or is this just a super realistic dream?'

I watch him for a while, still blushing. I see him start to wake up and I look away.

He falls back asleep and snores, he looks so adorable and cute when he is sleeping, and he almost looks like a girl.

I chuckle to myself when I think about it.

He starts to wake up again and I look at him.

"Doll...?" He mumbles, sleepily rubbing my stomach, "I love you..."

"W-what!?" My eyes widden as I heard him and I instinctively push him off me.

His eyes widden and he quickly grabs the side of the bunk bed, "what was that for!?"

"What are you talking about? You just told me you love me!" I panic.

"W-what?" He looks at me confused.

My heart drops, 'he didn't mean it...he was just sleeping...'

He puts his hand through his hair and I start to cry.

"Why are you crying?" He asks, looking worried.

"I...Smile...I love you..." I brokenly admit, "'t actually love me..."

He freezes and stares at me.

Ciel's prov.

I stop and just stare at her, 'she w-what?'

"" I stare.

"Yes! Do you really think I would lie to you!?" She yells, tears streaming down her face.

I come closer to her, "Doll listen..." I dry her tears, "I love you too..."

After admitting that I pull her close and kiss her deeply.

She instinctively kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I kiss her more and hold onto her waist, enjoying the feeling of her lips on mine.

She pulls away for air and blushes deeply. This caused me to blush deeper than she is.

"You are an amazing kisser, Smile" she admits.

"I'd say the same about you, love" I smile and kiss her again.

She kisses back, the kiss getting more heated this time, I lick her lips asking her for entrance.

She gladly lets me in and I twirl my tongue around hers, making her moan slightly.

We both pull away and she looks dazed. I smile and hug her tightly, "I finally got my love back" I smile and hold her close.

Falling For My Old Love (CielxDoll)Where stories live. Discover now