Chapter Eight

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Hey, sorry for the wait! School is getting hard! Semester exams coming up this week and next :( Anyways, enjoy!

 Pic of Lucas on the sidebar:]----->

Andie's POV --

My eyes fluttered open and I groaned from the amount of light streaming into the room. I closed them again and stretched my body. My neck and back were very soar and I mentally slapped myself for sleeping on a freaking desk, Why couldn't I just sprawl out on the floor? I guess in a situation like I was in previously, it's a little hard to think correctly.

"Ah, so your finally up." A voice said.

I bolted up and looked around the room until my eyes landed on Mr. Davis - my Science teacher. "What are you doing here?" I frowned, slowly getting up from the desk I was sleeping in not so long ago.

He chuckled. "This is my classroom, Andie. I was about to ask you the same thing."

My mouth formed an 'O' and I made my way to the door, not really wanting to stay here anymore. What would it look like for my reputation if I was the first one in class? Like they say, your early actions make up what happens in the future. Or something like that.

"Are you going to answer my question?" Mr. Davis asked me.

I frowned and turned around to face him. "No..?" He just kept looking at me calmly and it was annoying. "ARGH! Fine, I was here because I thought I'd study and, um, catch up on some stuff."

Mr. Davis shook his head. "Tell me the truth or I might consider telling someone I found you here..."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would." He countered.

"You suck, Mr. Davis." I replied. "And here I thought you were an amazing teacher who really worked well with the students - "

"Save the speech, kid. Why are you here?"

I smirked. "I really don't think you want to know."

"On the contrary, I do."

I groaned and fingered the hem of my sleeve. "Iwasheretopullaprank." I rushed, not really wanting to get in trouble. I was supposed to never get caught and here I am spilling my guts to a teacher. Obviously, something is wrong with the world.

"Excuse me? I don't believe I heard you." He mocked thoughtfully, leaning closer.

"I was here to pull a prank." I mumbled.


"I. Was. Here. To. Pull. A. Prank." I growled.

"Still can't hear you!"

"I WAS HERE TO PULL A PRANK!" I shouted. I froze and realized what I just did. I face palmed myself and groaned.

Mr. Davis leaned back in his chair and tapped his chin. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

I bit my lip. "You won't tell anyone...right? Am I off the hook?"

"Well I think yoiu deserve some kind of punishment so - " He was cut off by the door being slammed open. My eyes went wide as I saw who the culprit was.

Brent Kingsley look at me with the same expression - confusion, anger and embarrassment. "What are you doing here?" We both asked at the same time.

We both frowned. "I asked you first." I said, crossing my arms.

Brent rolled his eyes. "We said it at the same time, idiot."

"Well, in that case...JINX! YOU OWE ME A COKE! NO TAG BACKS! ...Sucker." I grinned.

Brent looked shocked but quickly regained his composure, mumbling something like, "so childish..."

"You didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" I asked him.

He smirked. "And you didn't answer mine."

"Answer mine first, doofus." I snapped at him.

"Make me." He said cockily, crossing his arms over his chest and grinning like an idiot.

"I'll shove my foot up your a-"

"Alright, kids. As fun as this is, I do believe I need to stop it before it gets any worse."

We both turned to Mr. Davis. I completely forgot he was here, stupid Brent.

"Can I go now?" I asked, bored.

Mr. Davis smirked. "No, I think I've found a punishment fit for the both of you."

"Punishment? What did I do?!" Brent asked, pointing to himself. Yeah, 'cause we don't know who 'I' is. Idiot.

"Your antagonizing this young lady." Mr. Davis said calmly. I chuckled and shot Brent a knowing look that said, 'haha sucker.'

Brent glared at me and I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"So, with that said I think that both of you should - "

"Wait." Brent interrupted him again. "What did she do?"

Mr. Davis opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. "None of your buisness." I snapped. Brent shot me daggers but I ignored him.

"As I was saying." Mr. Davis continued. "I see it fit that you two get along." Before I could protest he held up his hand and I bit my tongue to hold in what I wanted to say. "With that said, I will be giving you both a project that will take up the rest of this semester. If you do not turn this assignment in and get a good grade on it, you will fail this semester and have to repeat. Am I clear?"

I didn't say anything but bit the side of my cheek to keep myself in check. Brent nodded and when it was obvious Mr. Davis wasn't going to get a response out of me, he spoke again. "I will put it together and tell you what it is by the end of this week. You can go now."

I ran out of there as fast as I could. Did life really hate me that much?

Brent's POV --

On the outside, I acted as bitter as her. But on the inside? I was rejoicing like no one else could. See, I set this whole thing up.

When I came to the school early this morning to take care of some Alpha buisness I found Andie sleeping in Mr. Davis's classroom and I knew I couldn't pass up a chance as great as this.

Me, being Mr. Davis's Alpha, called him in to talk to Andie. I knew she was up to something, why else would she be here so early? He came and she admitted to him that she was, in fact, up to no good.

That was my cue to barge in and have Mr. Davis put us towork together. It was a genius plan and I  am quite proud of it. Now, it was my job to make Andie fall for me with all the time we'd be spending together. That was my sole mission.

And I was not going to fail.

Sorry for the wait everyone. I've been way busy with exams :( Anyways, thanks for sticking with me! Hope you liked it. It'll get more interesting trust me :D




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