Chapter 4

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Recap from Chapter 3:

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as I pulled back and looked in his crystal blue eyes full of lust, when I felt his pink, plump lips pushed against mine.


I was about to push him away, but I let my body relaxed. I kept kissing him. I don't know why, but I just did.

Maybe it was because for the first time, in three weeks, I felt like I belonged. I felt like I was loved, maybe even a little bit important.

Our lips moved in sync, the kiss getting more intense than before. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

We kept kissing. It wouldn't end. I felt him pull away, and I looked at him, his lips swollen. I bit my lip, and felt my cheeks turn hot. I loosened the grip around his neck, but he didn't let go of my waist.

I looked up at him, my arms draped over his shoulders. He smiled softly, and said, "S-sorry." He blushed.

I replied, "N-no, it's alright." I took my arms off his shoulders, his grip still tight on me. He kept looking at me, just staring with a small smile on his face. I looked to the right, and saw Alex laughing at us.

I groaned and buried my head in Niall's chest. Niall chuckled and let go of me. He said, "Go over there. I'll be by the drinks." I nodded and walked over to Alex, him still laughing.

"Why the hell are you still laughing?" I asked him.

"No reason! It's just kind of funny that you were sucking Horan's face off!" He replied.

"I was not! He kissed me first!" My words slightly slurred.

Alex just laughed and walked off somewhere I don't even know.

I skipped over to where Niall was sitting, talking to my sister. I grabbed another drink, not drinking it and sat next to Niall.

Right before I put the cup to my mouth, I was just inches away, Niall took it away from me, putting it down on the table.

I went for it again, and he pulled it farther away from me.

"Niall! Give it to me!" I whined like a little kid who won't get their way.

He laughed along with my sister and said, "I think you've had enough." With my sister nodding in agreement.

I sat back in my chair, pouting. All I wanted was another damn drink, even though I was way past the legal limit for anybody. I yawned. If I couldn't drink I might as well sleep.

My sister got up and said something, which I wasn't listening for. I yawned again. Niall looked at me, and asked, "You tired, love?"

I nodded as he stood up holding his hand out. I took it not knowing what he was doing with me, or where he was taking me, all I know is that he was doing something.

I followed him, weaving through people. We got to the elevator, and he hit the button and got inside. He hit the "penthouse" button and the elevator went up.

The elevator doors open, as Niall walked down a long, narrow hallway. I followed, trying not to stumble over my own feet.

Niall took out a key card, and slid it in the door, opening it for me to walk through.

I walked through, not knowing what the hell I was doing in a penthouse with a boy I just met, but maybe it wasn't going to be that bad.

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