Chapter 6

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Vallence's voice brought me back from memory lane as she gives us the whole routine of asking questions concerning Cole being my guardian, and his age and all that. Cole tells her the story about our parents adding in that we managed to live with her for 11 years after that until she started getting violent and that he's 20. Ms.Perfect then asks how he manages financially and of course Cole once again explains our very private life to this very nosy lady "Well i work at a factory that manufactures furniture and stuff like that,  Avvie waitresses at Ruby Tuesday on the weekdays, we both work part time at Tj Maxx on the weekends, and dad left a very large sum of money behind when he left so that comes in handy for bills and things." If i could sigh i would because now our lovely little interrogator knows all our financial problems thanks to my amazing brother.

The long lost Kardashian wrote everything down in her tiny notebook then looked back up at us "Are you sure you don't know anything else about your father?' She asks, Cole assured her that we have no idea what ever happened to him after the night he left. Vallence looked like she was debating whether or not to tell us something then she said "that'll be all" and turned to leave, but right before her hand hit the door knob she turned around and asked very quietly "What if I told you we think your dad is the new Mr.Boss?"

Authors Note
Short chapter but #PlotTwist

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