New World!

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"Yes,young master?"

"Bring me something to match my tea.A cake or something."

"Yes,my lord."

Ciel Phantomhive was taking his everyday cup of tea at that hour.He was looking through a new investigation the Queen had given him to do, this time about strange people appearing and saying things about 'titans' or 'giants',that want to devour them all.

He thought they were plain lunatics that escaped their nuthouse.

Sebastian left the room and heafed towards the kitchen, to bring his master a small cake,so that he would eat dinner later.

As he brought the small blue raspberry cake to his office,he heard a sound,a really loud piercing one,which made him kneel down in suffering.

Everything went dark and he had dropped the cake.

Where am I....


"Is he dead?"

*poke, poke*

"Ew!Don't poke him with the stick!"

"What about the other one?"

"I think he's dead.Just look at his face!"

"Nah,I got an uncle paler than that!"

"Yeah,and Mr Hannes is that pale too!"

"Shut it you too.We should probably take them to your dad,Eren."


"You know I didn't mean it that way."

What is going on...

"Um..excuse me...",I said,a terrible headache was making me dizzy.

"AH!!HE'S ALIVE!!",a blonde kid said and I looked up at him.

"What...who are you?Where am I..?",I said,taking a quick look around,as I saw bluebells,trees and huge things like Walls surrounding the spot.

"Oh!I'm Armin,that's Mikasa and that's Eren!You're in Shingashina!",he said and my eyes widened.

"Shin...shingashina..?",I said and looked next to me,where Sebastian's body layed there.

"Hey,Sebastian!",I yelled at him and he stood up.

"Young Master!I was worried.Where have you been?",he asked me and rushed to hug me,and I pushed him away,blushing.

"Here next to you,dumbass.",I said coldly and looked over at these three that stared at us.

",where are you guys from?You sound weird.",the brunette called Eren said and picked the inside of his ear.

"Ew,don't do that,have you got no manners?!",I said in disgust and he stopped.

"So you're not from around here,huh?",the blonde asked again and I nodded,angrily.

"We're from London,England.I'm the Earl Phantomhive,a noble amongst useless men,the queen's guard dog.How can you not know about me?True,from the looks of what you're wearing you don't look like High parts of society,rather servants.",I ranted and they all looked at each other from a second before the two boys begun laughing like crazy,while the girl stayed quiet,the scarf covered he mouth.

"'QUEEN?!?'",the brunette yelled while laughing and the blonde was down,holding his stomach.

"'SERVANTS!?'",he yelled and laughed even more.

"AND WHAT'S ENGLAND, ANYWAY?!?",the brunette yelled and they cracked up even more.

I furrowed my eyebrows and took a step forward,but Sebastian stopped me.

"Allow me,young master.",he said and stepped forward, bowed to the three and talked to them.

"What year is it?I'm afraid me and my master have suffered memory loss.We fell off a high cliff recently.",he said and the three nodded.

"Um,it's 845,Sir!",Eren said and I gasped.

"8-845!?!",I asked and Sebastian nodded with a frown on his face.

"I see.",he said and turned to me.

"Sir,it looks like we travelled to the past somehow.This could have probably happened to those crazy men too,but the opposite.",he said and I nodded.

"But that doesn't explain the Titan thing.",I added and he placed a finger on his chin.

"True that.",he said and turned to them.

"Do you young men and woman bother if we follow you for the day?",he asked with a kind smile and I clicked my tongue.

"Uh...sure!",Eren said and let us follow him.
"This is the gate back to our town,Shingashina!",Armin said as we passed a wooden bridge and a gate,finally entering it and reaching a town.

"Mr.Hannes!!!",Eren yelled at the blonde man who obviously was drank and waved at us.

" he wearing?",I asked Sebastian and he shrugged.

"I have no idea Sir.It's I'd quite old,but those clothes look indeed weird.",he said and Hannes looked over at us,then immediately punched his chest.

I and Sebastian stood there dumbfounded and I looked up at him,averting my body a few inches near his.

"What is he doing?",I whispered.

"I don't know my Lord.",he replied and I gulped.

"Uh...h-hi.",I said and he looked at us.

"You guys...aren't you from Wall Sina?",he asked confused,scratching his head and I half smiled.

"'Sina'?",I asked and he nodded then took a closer look at me.

"You're little to travel alone,aren't you?",he asked and I got furious.


"Alright kiddo,let's get you to the police station!",he said and took me by the colar,and I yelled at Sebastian.

"S-SEBASTIAN!GET ME OUT OF THIS PIG'S GRASP!!!HURRY UP!!!",I yelled angrily at him and he giggled.

"I'm afraid I can't let you hold my master like that ",he told Hannes and grabbed me,he looked at him and gasped.

"H-how can you hold him like that??",he asked and Sebastian laughed.

"My young master is thin and small,so he's easy to carry.",he said and smiled arrogantly and I grinned madly.

"SHUT IT!",I yelled and we walked through the village.

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