Three years

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1-first year

Ciel was using his social skills to try and seem poor enough so that he wouldn't differ that much from the trash children he was around.

He had one thought in mind-go home.

So he waited until his Butler would tell him better news after dinner.

Each day,they would meet behind the kitchen,where Sebastian would dress him up in his sleeping outfit,a grey shirt like Eren's with a pair of green pants.Also,he would tell him any news about the way home.

That thought was constantly troubling him,and so he wasn't able to concentrate in either his studies,nor his training.

"COME ON,PHANTOMHIVE,TAKE MY DAGGER!!!",Jean yelled at him,as they trained outside with others.

"Grr...I'M TRYING KIRSCHTEIN,FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!",Ciel yelled back once again today,as he failed to pick up the dagger from the taller male again today.

"TRY HARDER!",Jean yelled at him and put the wooden dagger between his fingers, holding it up,like a cat toy.

"COME ON AND TAKE IT!IT'S ALL YOURS CIEL!!~",he told him and shook it in the air.

Ciel grinned.

If he could jump he could grab it.

Problem was...

"HOP!",Jean said along Ciel's useless jumping and awful landing on the earth with his butt.

He was too short.

"Almost got it this time champ!",he said and started laughing by himself,and Marco walked to him from behind,while Ciel watched,smirking.

"JEAN!",Marco shouted and Jean literally jumped up and dropped the dagger,which Ciel hurried to grab.

"YES!YES!YES!!!!",he celebrated after finally finishing the big fight and laughed as Marco lectured Jean about being nicer to people.

People were becoming friends with Ciel.

But he looked down on most of them.

He judged them either 'too weak' or 'not reliable'.

Connie and Sasha were characterized by these titles.

Still, Annie Leonhardt, Bertholt Hoover,Armin Arlert and Marco Bodt kept him company.

He was just glad he had found a way to entertain himself while staying in this camp.


2-second year.

That was the year Ciel begun to realize.

After he learned news about the Survey Corps' latest Expedition death rates,he finally knew the answer about the common question.

"What is the world,truly?",his history/literature teacher asked the class during a lesson on a book about a small girl earning her life back after a Titan eats her.

The story was about this small girl, wandering around,reading books and collecting flowers.Until a Titan came near her.

At first she was scared.But later,as she noticed the Titan didn't eat her,she stayed calm.

She gave him a book to read and told him to wait there until she was back from her grandmother's.

As she returned,she found out the Titan wasn't there.

It simply moved deep into her village and ate her family.

Then,it jumped up and ate her too.

But in a twist,the girl wishes she was back outside the giant's stomach,she wished her family wasn't eaten.She wished she could see the flowers grow again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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