Officers and...Scouts?

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The village,or perhaps town seemed pretty big,however,it felt like a warm small society.

Ciel didn't know why.He just felt so.

It all seemed like it was more peaceful than London or any other place he'd been to.

The sun might've been too much for him.He was used to the rainy environment of the cold moody England.

People greeted him or giggled at how Sebastian was holding him and he looked away every time,but still watched how they acted and spoke,the way they were dressed and the variety in characteristics.

"Young Master?",Sebastian asked,noticing his master's unsual attitude.

"What is it?"

"How come you haven't asked me to get you down yet?",he asked and Ciel realised Sebastian had stopped moving.

"Ah!!Yes.",he said and claimed of his grasp,landed down and fixed his complicated outfit,which seemed far too expensive or modern,considering what people wore there.

He looked up the sign for the small office they were entering.

"Police? the Scotland Yard?"

They entered the wooden Police office.

"What're ya sayin' Hannes?That these three kiddos found a man and a kid with mem'ry loss?Well that's somethin' I gotta hear for ma'self!",the officer said in a weird accent and a brown jacket similar to Hannes,only with a unicorn on the back.

He approached the two confused men and inspected them with his bare eye and a sweet in his hand.

"Well.They seem pretty normal ta me.",he said and accidentally spitted dome strawberry filling on Ciel's top hat.

He just stared with a disgusted look on his face and an eye twitch.

"S-Sebastian..",he said and his demon followed his obvious orders.

"My master and I lost our way home last night after we fell off a cliff on our way back from a meeting with a rich man in Wall Rose.",he said formally and bowed,while Ciel looked up.

"How did you..",he begun saying and the man thought.

"Mmm..well. That seems fine ta me.Y'all can go.An' Hann's.Please drink sam' less, won't cha?",he said and Hannes blushed,leading us all outside.

"You're free to go! Off you go!Shoo!",he said walking away and I raised a brow.

"Just like that?Wow."

"Hey,I gotta go home.Cmon,Mikasa!",Eren said and Mikasa followed him.

"Shoot! Am late for dinner!",Armin said and headed off as well.

"So,it's just you and me,Sebas-"

As Ciel turned around he faced terror.

"Ah!So pure!!"


"ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!?!",Ciel yelled and Sebastian nodded.

"Of course!Those pure blue innocent eyes still haven't seen the evil of this world!",he said and pet the cats.

"Neither have we...",Ciel sighed and looked around.

~~~~about three hours later~~~~
The wind blew.It looked quite peaceful for an evening.It was..unsettling for Ciel.How nothing happened.How it was all so nice,kind and amazingly calm made him nervous.No place could be so good.There must be a hunch.

Ciel and Sebastian were sitting on a bench,facing the river that flowed in the same tone as the entire existence if this universe.

Suddenly,a loud bang made the two Englishmen turn around quickly and look up,the view of a flash of lighting was the only think their human eyes could catch as everyone in town seemed to have lost their usual quiet spirit.

"Sebastian!",Ciel yelled,standing up and running with his cane where everyone else was and stared at the Wall.

"Right away Young Master!",he replied and ran along.

He stopped as he saw where Ciel's look averted and he froze.

So...that's what these people had been talking about.

A red hand was hanging onto the grey wall.Steam was exploring the nearby area,as it's huge head appeared before these humans.

Ciel looked around and saw the three kids from earlier.He didn't call them,because a louder bang interrupted him.

Suddenly,the giant kicked a hole into the Wall,throwing rocks everywhere, destroying buildings.

This time,huge naked things like humans entered through the big hole and started eating humans.

Ciel stood there,not knowing what to do or when to do it.

Can these things talk?Are they dangerous?Sure they ate humans, but...Can we fight them?What is going on?!

"YOUNG MASTER!",Sebastian yelled as he grabbed Ciel away from the spot he was standing before a huge rock fell on him.

"W..wha..",Ciel said,waking up from his inner sleep and realised he was in Sebastian's arms.

"Let me go!",he said blushing and pushed him away,while Sebastian smirked at him and smiled.

Soon the loud sounds of death and desperation reminded them of the situation.

"Sebastian, this is an order-get me out of here.",Ciel said decidedly and Sebastian placed his hand on his heart.

"Yes,my lord.",he said and jumped up,running away with Ciel in his arms,driving him out of the fallen town of Shingashina.

People tried to talk to him,or tried to distract him so that he could help them with several injuries but he kept running.

It was his master's order after all wasn't it?

As he slipped through the gate of Wall Maria he jumped in the first boat he saw empty and then put down Ciel, who sat down and looked over at the guards if the ship in jackets similar to Hannes's.

"Oh good,our first evacuators are here!Make yourself comfortable and sit wherever you can.",he said and ran out of the boat.

"HEYY!!WE HAVE TWO!BRING AS MANY AS YOU CAN!",he yelled to another guy in a jacket and the other guy ran away towards Shingashina.

"Why are you sending him back in?Those giants have already considerably won!Shingashina is no more!!",Ciel yelled like it was obvious he shouldn't send back any more troops and the man chuckled.

"But that's a Garisson's job-protect the Wall.We seem to have failed though,so it wouldn't really be a surprise if you look down on us.But it's what we do and we take pride in it,we live and die in the battlefield, like the Survey Corps.",he said and saluted the same way Hannes did and Ciel just stared at him dumbfounded with his lips parted.

Sebastian sat back and sighed.

"There are a lot to learn about this place young Master and we still haven't learnt the basics.",he said and Ciel closed his lips and sat down,next to Sebastian.

"Let's find somewhere to live in first,okay?",Ciel asked and Sebastian smiled.

"Yes,my lord."

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