New life,quickly moving forward!

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Ciel was asleep on Sebastian's lap,while the Butler watched over his master and their surroundings.

Most people were praying,others were crying and there were a lot of them who had lost family members and were either in a state of complete shock or were screaming and sobbing in pain.A small group of injured people later inside the boat, waiting to get medical treatment once the boat reached Wall Rose in the middle of the night.

Sebastian took that time to ask the ones that seemed more calm about this world.In a result,he learned quite a lot,but needed to talk to his master.


"Young Master,wake up.",Sebastian said in his calm and warm voice and Ciel rubbed his eyes,and yawned, stretching his arms and back.

"Ow!It's so uncomfortable....",he said and Sebastian nodded.

"I'm sorry young master,but I couldn't prepare you breakfast either.The only thing being served is water and bread.",he said and Ciel growled.

"Ugh,fine.Just,get me the food.",he ordered and Sebastian nodded,leaving to go get him bread.

Ciel raised his torso and looked around to the other few people around him.

"I have to find...Eren Mikasa and..and Armin..",he said quietly and stood up,put on his shoes and walked around the asleep bodies in his white shirt.

"Now where...",he said and looked outside at the bright sunlight and the voices.

He stepped outside and looked around,until his eyes met the eyes of Eren,who bumped on him.

"Eren!",Ciel said out loud and Eren stared at him.

"Woah,so you survived? Your friend?",he asked and Armin and Mikasa run near him.

"He did.He's off to bring me brea-"
"I have returned my lord."
"GAH!Jeez,Sebby,don't do things like that,you scared me!",Eren said and Ciel's confused expression turned to him.

"Sebby..?",he raised a brow and Armin nodded.

"It's his nickname for him!",he said and Ciel just nodded,eating the bread.

Suddenly,a loud voice made them turn to the source and find people in jackets.

"THE SURVEY CROPS!",Ciel yelled and the trio turned to him.

"The what?"

"The...Survey Corps!Right?You know,the ones in the weird jackets??",Ciel added and Eren stared at him.

"Soldiers wear these jackets,Ciel.There are three kinds of them,the Survey Corps,the Garrison and the Military Police,which isn't really a soldier team.",he explained and Ciel stared at him for a second."yeah.",he said and the trio run to the Soldiers,which talked about what had happened after the attack,how many were lost,who and other important matters,such as the food shortage,or the houses available to stay at until the next expedition to retaking Wall Maria would happen,in a year that was.

"Sebastian, we have to find a way to go back to England. I can't spend my life here.Or an entire year!It's impossible.",Ciel said walking away with Sebastian and he looked down at him.

"Young Master, I've searched for an exit from this world while you were asleep."


"There is no way we can leave soon."

"WHAT?!?",Ciel yelled and Sebastian nodded.

"I'm afraid so.The only way to leave is the way we came,through a portal,that is."

"But I didn't come here through a portal,I fainted in my room.At least I think I fainted.But I remember I heard a loud noise, just before fainting. It was like a whistle, but really piercing,like it was trying to hurt me,whoever made that noise.",Ciel explained and Sebastian nodded.

"I got here by a same kind of sound, young master.I just didn't get hurt at first,then it got extremely loud and I think I fell unconscious the same way you did.",he told his own story and Ciel looked over at him,his eye widened.

"Doesn't that mean our bodies are still in the Manor?",he asked loudly and Sebastian looked down right into his blue eye.

"No,we have been completely teleported from there to here.",he replied and Ciel looked down and sighed.

"Alright.I just didn't want them to think us dead and bury us alive.",he answered and Sebastian chuckled.

"Of course.Although, those three are left alone with the Manor.We are considered to be gone on a trip.",he reminded Ciel and he nodded.

Ciel turned his head around and there stood a man in a jacket,kneeling to his height.

Ciel shrieked and jumped back,while the man stared at him with a frown,then suddenly adapted a worried expression.

"Ah!Im sorry,I didn't mean to scare you...You seem particularly weird for a kiddo.That your dad?",the man asked and Ciel as well as Sebastian stopped at their tracks.

"D-dad...?",they both said and the man sweat.


They looked at each other and Sebastian smirked.

He bended down and put his hands on Ciel's shoulders with power and smiled kindly.

"Why,yes,he's my young,13 year old son!",he said and Ciel sweat awkwardly.

"13,huh?Well, ya know,it's never too late to join th' army!",the man said and started informing them about the 104th training corps next year.

"Oh really,I don't know if I'm interested.",Ciel said trying to make the man go but Sebastian smirked.

"No,what are you talking about son??",he said and slapped him on the back joyfully,while Ciel arched from the pain.

"Ugh...fine,I'll see...",Ciel said and the man smiled with a drain of sweat running down his face.

"Well, I don't know if that'll make you more interested,but my son Marco,will attend too..",the man said kindly and Ciel grinned awkwardly.

"Um..sure..I'll think about it..",he said and Sebastian smiled widely.

"I'll make sure he'll be there,Sir.",he said and the man in black hair backed down.

"Okay.I just wanted to inform you,but I'm glad you're take my words in consideration. Anyway,I hope to see you again!",he said and left.

"What a weird man...",Ciel said and sat down.

"So you'll join?",Sebastian asked and Ciel sighed.

"I order you not to ask me again in a while."

Sebastian smirked.

"Very well, young Master."
----A YEAR LATER----
"ALL TRAINEES ATTEND THE SPEECH FIELD!!!!",The Instructor yelled and Ciel sighed one final time.

"I can't believe I'm doing this...",he said.

"And the jacket is so big!!! Why us that???",he asked and Sebastian brushed his hair one final time.

"Young Master, don't worry.I'll be watching from a distance,since I'm taking over as the cook.",Sebastian said and fixed his cooking suit one final time.

"Ughr...okay,okay,I guess I have to go now,huh?",he asked and hesitated to go become a Trainee in the 104th Training Corps Sebastian finally convinced him to attend.

"Well, you're all dressed up and ready. Why back down now?I thought you were brave.",Sebastian said and Ciel clenched his fist,walking to the field.

"I'm going.",he said decidedly,his contract eye still covered in his eyepatch,but the rest of his outfit was nothing like a nobleman's as before.

He stood in line along with many other trainees and the Instructor begun his speech.

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