Chapter Five

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The chirping of our beautiful feathery friends were the ones who awoke Mary from her peaceful slumber. She stretched her hands and yawned with a smile. The birds looked so fresh, happy and colorful like as if they'd just had a bath in the  rainbow. Beth, it seemed however, planned on sleeping in and so Mary thought of giving the girl a little tit for tat.

She smirked to herself before tip toeing to her friends four poster bed and sneaking up on her. She grabbed the trumpet that was on top of Beth's bedside table.How peculiar... to have a trumpet beside you while sleeping. Mary shrugged and rummaged through her book bag for a particular charms book. Ah! 

She found the right spell and placed the trumpet over Beth's mouth and whispered, "Sonorus"

What happened next was enough to get the entire dorm and common room into bouts of laughter with tears of mirth running down their cheeks. Little Beth however remained oblivious to the loud snores she emitted before finding it hard to breathe and choked on her own spit before sending the trumpet flying of her face and into the wall. 

"MARYYYY!!!!!!!" she screamed  at the girl who was between laughs as she rolled on the floor laughing  her heart out.

Mary quickly scrambled to her feet before panicking and running out. Beth was hot on her heels and caught up to her right outside the common room next to barrels, both panting heavily before Mary laughed again and moved aside to let a senior through. The senior looked at Beth and gave her a funny look before mimicking her snores and sending both Mary and himself into another fit of laughter.

Beth turned red, absolutely furious. "Mary." she said deadly calm before her voice turned shrilly as she squeaked out in a really low pitch voice, "YOU ARE SO DEAD. BEST FRIEND OR NOT I WILL PERSONALLY DRAG YOU DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BLACK LAKE." she said before coughing only to find herself alone without Mary by  her side.

"Remind me why I ever became her friend. "Beth sighed, "oh right, we became friends over a freaking pun! A god damn pun!!! "

She paused before saying, "It was a damn good one I'd say"

"I still hate you for that, you know" Beth exclaimed after exiting their charms classroom. 

"but you gotta admit, it was pretty good" 

"well...err.. if it wasn't on me sure...I mean your probably the best prankster here at Hogwarts" Beth replied kind of ready to forgive her. The friends side hugged each other and skipped down the corridor arm in arm only to stop in front of two shell shocked guys. Two cocky ones to be exact, but they ain't no match for Mary and Beth.

"-best prankster at Hogwarts" the blonde a few yards away spoke with a smile before hugging her friend. The guys looked at each other before smirking and walking towards the Hufflepuffs. The grey eyed one unclasped the dung bomb near the foot of the raven haired girl and smirked, the girls, as usual, rolled their eyes. 

"That's the oldest prank in the book, Black" Mary sighed, "Ugh what's that smell" Quite evidently, it seemed to pore out of the goofball called 'Black' as he smirked at his accomplishment before realizing the smirk tugging at the girls' lips. He looked down and then at his best mate. Their expressions mirroring each other and their different shades of red rivaling the other. 

Both males failed to notice Mary take a step back earlier, too deeply engrossed in the outcome of their prank. The girls burst out laughing."Maybe we could teach you guys some pranks" Mary laughed as her and Beth strutted away. 

"James. You know who our next victims are" Black glared not removing his gaze from the two girls.

James looked as shocked and confused as ever, obviously uttered the wrong thing, "Malfoy?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and chuckled, "'s them"

The boys ran and sought our their friends and began planning. The four notorious little devils hid their wits behind the masquerade of jokes and puns fooling the entire world with their capabilities. Little did everyone know that these four may look quite dimwitted but their wits and cleverness shined only midst their pranks. 

Sweat, perspiration and a heck lot of effort later a small satisfying smile tugged at the corners of their lips as they sneaked back to the great hall for dinner time. Each snickering on the way out of the kitchens. God knows how first years managed to find the kitchen! They slid down in their seats and giggled waiting for the moment screams would signal the victory of their prank. 

Sitting and talking on the Hufflepuff table sat Mary and Beth mingling with the other kind hearts on their table when suddenly Mary smelt something foreign in her pumpkin juice but shrugged anyways. She took a sip of the supposedly delicious and mouth watering drink when the entire table burst out laughing causing the other three houses to look over. The scream the four most annoying boys were dying to hear was surely satisfying as the Pink haired girl fled out of the great hall in embarrassment as her faithful friend followed the weeping girl. 

Amidst all the laughter, a pang of guilt, quite small like a mouse but still hurt two boys amidst millions. Those two very unfortunate yet fortunate souls would soon find themselves falling in the pit of immense adoration for a certain brunette in a few years are none other than Bert and Remus. 

While these two boys grew confused by this weird sensation and foreign emotion, the other three pranksters along with Mary and Beth knew that this was the start to one of the most renowned wars in the entire universe. This was a start to the remarkable prank wars! 


'Thank you Sirius Black on emphasizing a simple matter such as Prank wars' the author thinks to herself.

"YOu're very welcome!" Sirius cockily replies while Author rolls eyes, "Go away Sirius" 

HAHAHAHAHA okay  that was just a fragment of my weird weird mind. Have a great day and I hope you liked this!!! :')

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