Chapter Nineteen

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The birds chirped and flew into the sky as their wings fluttered open and close just the way Remus' eyelids fluttered as he tried getting used to the lighting.

The same routine every day and he still wasn't used to the harsh rays of the sunlight trickling in through the hospital wing windows as he grimaced and slowly sat up taking in the pain with every moment. His memory was sort of distorted, it always was after those nights as his knuckles made the familiar crunch sound when he snapped them.

"Don't do that, it's a bad habit" he heard a voice say, almost instinctively putting a face to it, Sirius.

He stuttered quite surprised and shocked with the boy's presence, " are you here?"

"Not just me...James and Peter too" he said while pointing at a drooling James and a snoring Peter.

Remus looked paranoid and a tad bit scared too, so I thought it'd be best to reassure him, "Listen's ok we know and trust me we won't let anyone else know. We're your best friends right? Well we've taken you in and we're not gonna leave you so it's up to you to decide whether you accept us or leave us. No pressure mate"

"he's right Remus, you're one of us now...there's no escaping!" James chimed in as Peter nodded, "we're here for you Remus, forever and always"

Remus was in tears to say the least as the four boys jumped into a group hug as Madam Pomphrey just stood in the corner with tears in her eyes and squeals going off in her head as she softly cooed, "awww"

Later that day in the boys dorm, "guys we must do something for Remus.. I don't like it when he suffers all alone." James said.

"I know.. and I know just the person to go to for help" Sirius smirked while Peter rolled his eyes and said, "She doesn't even like you mate.. what tells you that she'd help us?"

"Because... just because"

Peter and James just looked at lovesick Sirius knowing that they'd seen the same look on Remus' face when they spoke about Mary Poppins.

Mary went over stitch after stitch while Beth just snored on the sofa beside her, too tired after running and almost escaping a werewolf.

She set down the teddy after the last stitch and got up to go get ready for the day. After a relaxing shower and countless thoughts that wandered off to who and why there was a werewolf in the school grounds. She thought about asking a teacher but that would only wind her up in trouble for being out of bed after night.

She put those thoughts at the back of her head and walked down to find Beth still asleep. Gently placing her hand over Beth's forehead she whispered and nicely woke Beth up. Beth was slightly confused and was half expecting a prank to pop out at her but was left confused. The girls' got ready and were out the common room ready for breakfast and a whole new day.

"Beth...we need to talk about yesterdays... situation" Mary said as she seated herself across Beth.

"I don't know what's there to talk about Mary. I mean we saved a Teddy, ran a little, broke a few rules but thats all right?"


"Mary tone it down and stop attracting attention and oh great! Just Bloody brilliant!!1 Merlins beard save me" Beth groaned as the infamous and notorious Sirius Black sat across them with a very.. dare I say, serious expression. I'm not kidding.

"Died when?" he asks

"None of your beeswax Black"

"okay okay!! Chill the ice Mar war"

"Don't call me Mar war!!!"

"Fine I just came to ask you two for help, it's urgent and to help a friend and before you say no Mary just hear me out! It's for Remus"

and that was all the convincing Mary needed for the job to get done.

Beth tried to get Mary to back down but there was no trying, because when Mary Poppins made up her mind, there really was no changing it.

Mary was known for her big kind heart and bubbly nature, two things everyone adored her for. This was yet another day in the life of Mary Poppins!


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